You Get Bullied

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More filler! :D 

Cause the Villians scenario is taking longer than I thought...again

(Todoroki's part alone is like 3000+ words ;_;)

I got cavities writing some of these XD 

So fluff warning <3

Katsuki Bakugo

"Hey Y/n!" Smiled Kirishima while walking down the hall with Kaminari.

"Sup Red, hey Pikachu," You smiled back after seeing him down the hall.

"Oh hey Y/n, whats cooking good looking?" Smirked Kaminari.

"Haha, you better watch it there dude, dont let bakugo hear you flirt with his girl." Laughed Kirishima knowing how jealous Bakugo could get. 

"Speaking of which, you guys seen him?" You asked curiously. 

He was supposed to meet you in class but you got tired of waiting and went searching for him.  

"Yeah he's still in the gym, he wanted to stay back and train a little longer." Shrugged Kaminari. 

"He's such a freaking nerd." You sighed in annoyance, "you guys still up to join me and my other friends at the arcade?"

"Yeah sure!" Smiled Kirishima. 

"You know it." Kamainari gave a thumbs up.  

"Awsome, lemme go grab my bag, I left it back in class." You smiled and quickly went back to class to get it. While there you heard laughing.

"Huh?" You truned to the front door where it was coming from.

"What's this!? Class 1A's got a new student? HAHA!" Laughed a blonde boy. 

"Um...hi..." You waved nervously, you've never seen him before and didnt know who he was. 

"So your the famous Y/n that shot her way from general studies right up to the hero course in just a few months!?" He continued to laugh, "Gotta say, not impressed!"

"Um....I was always in the hero course, I was just in a lower class..." You corrected. 

"Oh, so you downgraded? How sad, it won't be long till you flunk out just like all the other losers in class 1A!" He continued to laugh. 

Who the hell was this guy? And why was he bothering you of all people? Doesn't he know who you are!? 

"What did you say you little shit!?" You marched up to him and slapped him straight across the face in anger. 

"Oh wow so the rumors are true! You got hands as rough as a cats tongue!" He continued to laugh all while there was a big red hand mark on his face. 

"H-Huh!?" You blushed covering your hands, "S-Shut up!" You blushed. 

"I guess they don't call you 'man hands' for nothin huh? Hahahahaha! You friggin lumber jack! HAHAHAH!" He continued to die of laughter all while throwing taunts. 

"How the hell did a pompous asshole like you even get here?" You tried insulting but you were too embarrassed with your hands, "Did you just come in here to taunt me!? Y-you got a death wish or something!?" you threatened. 

"Haha, and I thought Kendo's hands were strong, good grief you could grate coconuts with your hands! I think you even ripped off some of my skin with those hands of yours! Hahahaha!" He continued to laugh. 

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