Purge Victor: Tomura Shigaraki

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"And that concludes this week's lecture," dismissed your professor.

Sighing in relief, you quickly packed your bag and left the classroom. That was your last class for the day and you just wanted to go home and take a nap.

When you made it outside in the parking lot you noticed that your brother wasn't there to pick you up like he usually did.

"Huh?" You pondered then puli lord out your phone.

This was unusual, your brother was always early to pick you up, even if he was busy he'd always find time for you.

"What the..." he wasn't picking up his phone, something was wrong.

You decided calling one of his friends but he didn't answer either. You then started to worry a bit.

After about half an hour, you decided to start walking to the bus stop.

What reason would there be for your big brother to completely ignore your calls? He was super protective of you and even insisted that he was the only one allowed to pick you up and drop you off to all your classes. He was a very busy man but he always made time for you.

While on the bus, you had your hoodie on with your headphones in, mindlessly staring out the window while pondering where he could be.

You made another call to his friend, "y/n..." he answered!

"H-Hari!" You beamed but then pulled your hoodie over your face in embarrassment at how excited you sounded to hear from him.

"H-Hey..." you greeted with a tint of red on your cheeks. "Where's-"

"Where are you?" He quickly asked and that's when you noticed the panic in his voice.

"Huh-I-I'm on my way home, why?" You were starting to become scared.

"Don't go home and don't come to the office!" He ordered.

"What? Hari your not making any sense, where's Kai?"

"Forget about that right now, just don't come here!" You heard explosions and screaming in the background.

"What the-" you were about to ask about the noise but then he kept talking.

"I forwarded some funds to your account, get out of town and stay away from the police and heroes!" He ordered.

"H-Hari..." You started tearing up.

"We'll explain everything when I can, just stay hidden!"

"But, what about you and Kai, please at least tell me your safe?" You sniffled.

You knew he and your brother were in gang activities but you never knew to what extent.

"...Don't do anything stupid while we're gone...ok?" He sounded tired, almost defeated.

"What?" You asked but then the line went dead, "Hari? HARI!?"

More tear were welling up as you frantically tried to call him back along with your brother to no avail. What in the world is going on? Did something happen or are they in trouble with the law?

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