Another Girl Flirts with Him

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A/N: I've been sick for like 2 weeks and I've been paranoid know...we're kind of in a plague ;_;

I wanted to spend my free time writing but my medication knocks me out every time;-;

Please enjoy this scenario while I figure my life out  ._.

Katsuki Bakugo

You were working with Mei in the support room for a few weeks now. You wanted to make a few more upgrades to your hero costume before the exams. You were pretty busy which annoyed Bakugo. He was a classic Tsundere, angry and grumpy you were too busy to hang out with him and even more grouchy whenever you weren't there with him.

You had promised to meet him at lunch but you were going to be a bit late.

"Come on dude lighten up, she'll be here soon." Said Kirishima trying to cheer him up.

"Shut up, I'm not thinking about her!" He growled but he couldn't hide his blush, "I don't even care if she doesn't show up!"

Just as he said that, a girl came by their table, "Hey, you mind if I sit here?" She pointed towards the chair Bakugo kept for you.

"Uh, actually..." Kirishima tried to tell her that was your seat but Bakugo cut him off.

"I don't care."

"Awesome, thanks...I'm Shirayuki..." She introduced but then a flirtatious smirk graced her lips when she saw Bakugo, "so umm, whatcha doing sitting here all grumpy?"

"None of your damn business..." He grumbled.

"Aw, don't be like that, I'm just teasing..." She giggled and caressed the side of his face catching him off guard.

He was in so much shock that he'd

"Um...he has a girlfriend..." Said Kirishima, "and you're kinda in her seat..."

She ignored him and continued to touch Bakugo, even going so far as to squeeze his biceps, "Oh wow you must be super strong...I'd love to see you in action, you mind giving me some private lessons?"

"You deaf or somethin'?" He grumbled, "I got a girlfriend..."

"I don't see her..." Her smirk widened.

"Turn around..." Your voice echoed out from behind them, taking them all by surprise. " you see her..." You smirked back teasingly, but your wrath could not be hidden.

"I don't see much..." She shot back causing everyone at the table to scoot their chairs back, away from the two of you.

"Aha..." You gave a soft chuckle and dropped your bag to the floor, "You must be new here..."

"I transferred last month..." She admitted.

"Clearly..." You cracked your knuckles, "Let me introduce you to the way things work around here..."

"Oh yeah?" The girl stood up ready to fight too but Kirishima and Bakugo stepped in.

"You don't wanna do that..." said Kirishima trying to defuse the situation, "Y/n, you're already on can't afford another school fight."

"And your ditzy ass wouldn't last 10 seconds with man hands, so quit while your ahead." Said Bakugo.

"I guess your right, I was raised not to pick fights with wild animals..." She insulted while looking your way.

"Well, this cat has claws bitch!" You lunged at her but Bakugo stepped in and caught you, "Next time I see you it's on sight! you hear me!?" You threatened as Bakugo was forcefully carrying you out.

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