You Get Cat Called/ Harassed

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*Requested by: Moonstarlight202*

Katsuki Bakugo

"What a perfect sunny day!" you complimented after stepping out of the beach dressing room in your new swimsuit.

"Will you keep your damn voice down?" Growled Bakugo. He didn't want you to draw attention.

"Why? Are you worried that people will stare at my cute new swimsuit?"

"No, they might kick us out because cows are allowed on the beach." He insulted.

"You are such an ass!" You punched him, "you're just upset because I'm wearing something slightly revealing!"

"Tch- I don't give a damn what you wear..." He tried looking away from you but he kept looking back at your body which made him blush.

"Good, so there's not a problem then..." you smirked and walked past him to go to set up a spot to sit and relax.

"Tch...whatever..." he followed.

While applying sunscreen you heard someone whistle at you.


"Ew gross," You turned to the guy and gagged.

"Well fuck you then fat bitch!" He yelled back causing you to get self-conscious. However, before you could retaliate your boyfriend did so first.

"You wanna die bastard!?" Threatened Bakugo then attacked him.

Even though he talked a lot of shit, he sincerely cared about you and your feelings. Bakugo was extremely protective over you, which is why he hated going into public places where you had to dress revealingly. He was the only one that he allowed to bully you if anybody else tried to call you or hurt you in any sort of way then they would die by his hands.

Shoto Todoroki

"Whoa y/n!" Called Mineta as you stepped outside of the girl's locker room.
"I had no idea You were packing a big rack!"
He winked causing you to shove him away with a big water wave.

"Smooth dude..." laughed Kaminari, "Todoroki would kill you if he found out you said that to her..." he helped him up.

"Worth it, did you see Y/n's new costume?" Drooled Mineta.

"I know dude, I heard she got costume designer to make a few modifications..." smiled Kaminari while ogling you as you spared with Uraraka.

"I'd like her to modify my costume..." smirked Mineta as his nose started to bleed, "if you know what I mean..." he chuckled pervertedly.

"No, I don't know what you mean..." suddenly, a dark presence appeared behind the two.

"Whoa T-Todoroki!" He jumped in surprise, "I-I was just joking!" Apologized the little grape.

"Oh really?" He formed an icicle, "I'm a bit slow when it comes to jokes, you mind explaining it to me?" He looked deranged.

"U-umm, well ... I...-" he quickly ran away when he couldn't come up with an excuse.

"Uhh..." Kaminari laughed nervously, "y-you know I wouldn't do anything to y/n...r-right Todoroki?"

"I will squash you like a bug if you ever even look at my Y/n again..." His eyes suddenly became dark and murderous.
"You got that you little Pokémon?"

"G-Got it!" He agreed then ran away.

Meanwhile, you saw the whole thing unfold and got beat by Uraraka cause you were too dazed and heart-eyed to focus on your sparring match.

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