Family Moments: Staying Alive

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Thanks to whoever requested this! (can't remember if wanted to remain anonymous or not😅)

Izuku Midoriya
Hero! 💨
Daughter (D/n): age 3

"Oh help me help me!" Cried Midoria from under a blanket in the living room.

"Never fear! I am here!" Announced your daughter from atop the couch. "Here I came daddy!" She then attempted to jump off the couch in hopes of flying.

"Huh? D/n no!" Called Midoriya and quickly dove to catch her before she hit the ground.

"Haha! I saved you daddy!" She smiled as she pulled the blanket off of him and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, you sure did sweetheart..." he laughed nervously. "Just don't go jumping off things ok? Remember you quirk hasn't come in yet so you might get really hurt." He explained.

"Hehe, ok daddy." She nodded.

-literally 20 minutes later-

"Can someone gimme a hand with the groceries!?" You asked while brining in some bags from your day of shopping with your son.

"Never fear! I am here!" Your daughter shouted from on top of the fridge.

"What the-" you dropped your bags in shock.

"D/n no!" Your husband jumped in again (for the 50th time that day) to save your daughter from certain death.

You ended up having to coat your entire house in padding to help your suicidal child from getting herself killed.

Katsuki Bakugo
Pyromaniac 🔥
Son Age 1

You both came home tired that evening. You had to come home early from work because yet another babysitter quit on you.

You two finally got your son to sleep in his room and you were about to doze off into each other's arms on the couch, too tired to walk upstairs to your bedroom.

"He's finally asleep.." you sighed.

"Finally... Dumbass baby sitter can't handle a damn baby..." he grumbled while yawning.

"To be fair, he has become a handful ever since he started walking...and he is your son after all..." you eyed him teasingly.

"If I weren't so tired if knock you off this couch...." but you were acting as his pillow so he allowed you to stay.

"Haha, just be glad he doesn't know what fire is yet..." you chuckled and started to doze off.

As both your eyes closed and you were seconds away from sleep, a faint scent wafted in the air. You were going to ignore it but then the house was getting warm which was welcoming since it made the two of you even drowsier.

... but it had the faintest smell of gasoline.



You two slightly sniffed the air.

"...OH SHIT!"

You bolted from the couch and rushed to the kitchen.

"Hehehe!" laughed your son in the kitchen.

while he tried climbing The stove, his little hands and feet were turning on the burners on the stove.

"GET DOWN FROM THERE YOU IDIOT!" yelled Bakugo who was the quicker of you two to act and remove your son from the stove.

You quickly turned off the burners and put out the smoke detectors.

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