He Cheats

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You catch him cheating

*Requested by Santangelo13*

Izuku Mydoria


"Hello?" You answered your phone while stepping out of the shower. 

"Y/n! thank goodness!"

"Uraraka?" You asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"It's just...I can't...I'm sorry-" She hung up which confused you but then you suddenly got a text from her with a sad-faced emoji. it was a picture of Mydoriya...with Hatsume. It was a selfie of her and Mydoriya in his room kissing. 

"Oh...hell no." You glared then dialed up your boyfriend. when he didn't answer you set out to go after him at his house to get some answer."H-hey y-y/n...w-what are you doing here?" He smiled nervously pulling the door closer and closer to him so you couldn't see what was in his apartment. 

"H-Hi y/n!" Smiled Midoriya nervously holding the door open just a bit so you couldn't look inside. 

"Hey Midoriya, you ready to go?" You smiled sweetly.  

"Go? G-Go where?" He asked nervously. 

"To hell." Your anger suddenly rose showing just how pissed off you were. You then kicked open the door revealing Hatsume trying to leave through the fire escape. 

"Y/n, its not what you-"

"You lyivng cheatign son of a bitch!" You slapped him across the face.

"I can't believe you!" You then cringed as your headphones wrent calibrated to your yelling. 

"Are you ok?" He asked trying to help you but you pushed him away and entered his apartment.

"And you!" You took off your shoe and threw it towards Hatsume before she could escape, "didn't I warn you before not to touch my man!?" you were about to pounce but Mydoriya caught you before you could do any damage.  

"Let go of me!"

"Y/n calm down she was just helping me with my new costume design!" He lied. 

"pì huà! (bullshit!)" You cursed pulling out your phone and showing the picture Uraraka sent you. 

He stood there in shock and embarrassed by his actions, "Y/n I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you."

"Liar!" You cringed again from the noise but continued, "I am many things, clumsy, annoying at times, impulsive...but I'm not a fool Midoriya." you glared then left. 

"Wait y/n please don't go-"

"I can't ...stay with you!" You cried looking away from him, "If I do that..I'm gonna end up just like gran-gran...heartbroken and alone." You then left without looking back and slamming the door behind you, leaving Midoriya to deal with the repercussions of what he's done. 

Bakugou Katsuki

"Thanks for bringing the booze y/n!" Thanked a drunk Mina being a bit too close to you. 

"Yeah no problem, my brothers always hide shit around the house so when I was moving out I snatched em up!" You laughed drunkenly. 

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