Celebrity AU

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You Cook for Him

Fairy tale AU

You Hang Out with His Family/Friends

*Requests are still open (Pls DM me so I'll see it)*

A/N: Most of you are between 18-25 in this! Out of high school and possibly in college or working.


Katsuki Bakugo


"Oh my god, Hagakure..." You looked at her in disbelief, "how many times do I have to tell you? No, he's gross!" 

You were walking down the street with your friends, Mina and Hagakure, heading to the dance studio you all frequently visited to practice. You all had just finished your classes for the day and this was the only time you could all hang out together. 

"But Y/n!" She whined, "He's sooo cute! Just introduce me to him please!" She gushed. 

"For the last time, no!" You growled in annoyance. 

"Come on Y/n, at least let us talk to him when one of them comes to pick us up?" Begged Mina. 

"Not you too Ashido..." You cried. 

"What can I say..." She shrugged, "He's hot."

You looked at her in disgust and fear, "Don't you ever...refer to any of my brothers as 'hot' or 'cute' in any sort of manner!" You gagged, "I don't even wanna hear you use it in the same sentence with them!"

"Aw but Y/n!" They whined desperately but you weren't having it. 

"No!" You groaned walking into the dance studio, "The hell is wrong with you!? They're totally...insane..." You walked into the usual room you had booked but once you got there you noticed that people were already in there. 

"The hell?" You glared. 

"Huh? Looks like someone's in our room." Noticed Mina. "Should we tell them they're times up?"

there were three guys in there, they appeared to be working on a dance routine. 

"Or we could just use another room?" Shrugged Hagakure, "They seem to be really into their practice."  

"And they're pretty good too." Praised Mina, "They look kinda familiar though..." 

"Oh please." You scoffed, "We paid for our spot I ain't moving." You walked in much to your friends coaxing for you to stop and not bother them. 

"Hey!" You called. 

There were three of them, a green-haired guy, a redhead and a blonde, They all seemed the same age as you, which could also mean they went to the same school as you but you didn't care. 

The red and green-haired boy looked to you a bit confused while the blonde glared at you for interrupting. 

"Your time's up," You pointed to the scheduling chart, "We've got this room now."

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