Family Moments: DADDY!

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Lmao this was supposed to come out fathers day😭😂

Prompt: what kind of parent is he?

Izuku Midoriya
Dorky Dad!

Your kids love their dad to death but the they're not ashamed to say that they get embarrassed of him from time to time.

"Ooh d/n s/n, it's your favorite song!" he beamed while turning up the radio once he heard a song that his children favored when they were toddlers.

"Yeah when we were five!" your son cried.

"Papa, please don't..." whined your daughter aisle gripping her seat belt, "we're literally a block away from school..."

"Lalalala!!" he sang while ignoring his kid's pleas.

"Mom make him stop!" your son begged.

"Aw but honey you and your sister used to love this song!" you cooed while turning it on full blast.

"1-2-3-4 who's that knocking at my door!?" sang Midoriya.

"5-6-7-8 Hurry up and don't be late!" you sang the next part.

"9-10-11-12 Gonna see what I can tell!" you both yelled out as Midoriya drove up to his kids to school to drop them off.

as he approached the gate entrance a few students teachers and parents noticed the loud music emitting from your car.

"Come on kids!" he encouraged them to sing the next part.

"..." your kids Gave each other a look and then nodded simultaneously, "NOW!" shouted your daughter.

In a split second, both your kids had undone their seatbelts, open the backseat doors, then proceeded to hop and rolled out of the car before they could get any closer to the school building.

"Huh!?" Both you and Midoriya were taken by surprise about your kid's actions.

You watched in shock as your son and daughter rolled out and strategically ran to the back entrance of the school so no one could tell that their parents were embarrassing as hell.

Katsuki Bakugo
Tsundere Dad

He's not your typical sitcom loving cheerfully encouraging dad. Oh no, daddy Bakugo doesn't play that shit.

Don't get me wrong, he still loves him with all his heart. In fact, his exact words when they were born were "I've only met this little shit for a few minutes but if anybody messes with them I'm committing genocide!"

So yeah, typical tsundere dad.

"You put your hands on me and I'll call cps!" threatened your son.

"That's if you make it to the phone you damn brat!" Bakugo cracked his knuckles.

Fights are often but they love each other.

"You sure bout that old man!?" he smirked while cracking his knuckles.

They were like any normal father and son. They bonded all the time...with their fists.

"Dad! I'm taking your car to the mall with my friends!" called your daughter while running past them with a trench coat on.

"Hold it brat!" shouted Bakugo and his son.

"...damn it..." she cursed under her breath and made it back to the living room.

"Yes daddy, yes big brother?" she smiled innocently while batting her eyelashes.

"The hell are you going?" Glared Bakugo.

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