Pervert! 😱😳

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Izuku Midoriya

"He is not!" You defended.

"Is too..." Smirked Bakugo's girlfriend (B/n).

"Is not!" You argued back.

"Is too!" They retorted.

"Is NOT!"

"H-Hey, whatcha guys arguing about?" Midoriya walked into the cafeteria concerned at seeing your face twisted in distress.

"Arguing about tops and bottoms." Said Mina casually while amusingly watching the argument ensue.

"Matching nicknames doesn't mean anything!" You puffed your cheeks in defiance, "They're cute together but there's no way Tamaki-senpai is a bottom!" You defended your classmate who was currently on the other side of the cafeteria, hiding under one o the lunch tables and wishing he could go home already.

"The fuck it does!" B/n argued back, "His name is sun eater! his man's name is sun! That's kind of self-explanatory!"

"it's an innocent nickname they've had since childhood, it doesn't mean anything sexual!"

"Uh-huh, you also think Deku and pop-rocks over there aren't fuckin on the low..." B/n chuckled causing both boys to choke on their food.

"Oi oi oi! Shut the fuck up man hands!" Glared Bakugo from another table across from you.

"Of course not!" Midoriya felt a little better knowing that you would defend him like this. but he soon took it back from what you said next.

"He'd be a much better-taken care of bottom with Todoroki!" You admitted causing the dual-colored hair boy to cough up his noodles.

"Please, broccoli-top's a masochist and probably likes it rough..." Drooled B/n.

"W-What!?" He blushed in embarrassment.

"Yeah but Bakugo's probably the type of dude that won't adhere to a safeword." You shrugged while ignoring your boyfriend's pleas. "Todoroki's the safer option cause he seems like the type to tuck you in and cuddle afterward."

At this point, the half-cold half-hot boy was a choking mess on the ground as his girlfriend tried helping him.

"Oh please Deku wouldn't even use a damn safeword if you gave it to him, he's not the type to tap out is he?" She asked you as though you would know.

"Don't make me come over there man hands!" Threatened Bakugo.

"W-Why would I know that!?" You blushed and covered your cheeks. "I-I don't know what you're talking about, don't you think you should be asking your man that? They've known each other longer!" You pointed out.  

"You can catch these hands too earmuffs!" He threatened you.

"Kacchan your not helping!"

"Shut up you basic bottom!"

"Ha! I knew it!" Smirked B/n.

"Damn it!" You whined and handed her the money you bet earlier.

this made Midioriya feel bad so later that evening after school he took you home to prove to you that he can be very capable of being a top.


*IDK if I should actually continue this😅*

Katsuki Bakugo

He was resting after his training session when you suddenly caught wind of him. He was so hot, literally. But with his black tank top showing off his muscles and his sweat covering his body, causing it to glisten made him look absolutely delicious.

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