He Asks You Out

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He asks you out

Izuku Midoriya

Attempt #1

He clenched the note tightly as he walked through the halls searching for your locker. Quickly finding it, or at least what he thought was your locker because he saw you coming down the hall he panicked and stuffed the letter into the locker.

"Hey Midoriya." You smiled walking past him and the locker he thought was yours to the locker right beside that one. Taking out your books for next class, you closed your locker and went on your way.

"Bye Midoriya." You quickly waved heading to class.

"What the hell!?" Bakugou opened his locker and noticed the letter he wrote intended for you, "Who wrote this!?" quickly rushing to class, Izuku managed to avoid his aggressive classmate.

Attempt #2

"Hey Midoriya." You smiled passing him while on your way to the gym class.

"H-Hey Y-Y/n...." He blushed nervously hiding the note behind his back while near your shoe box.

"Bye Midoriya." You waved innocently yet again not hearing what he was trying to saying.

Attempt #3

"Hello again Midoriya." You smiled from under your signature tree having lunch alone.

"Geez, it seems like wherever I go today you're always there." You laughed taking off your earphones.

"Huh? yeah...crazy right!?" He accidentally shouted due to his nerves making you cringe a bit.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's cool, so what are you doing out here? Its lunch you should be having it with your friends." You were curious as to why every time lunch rolled around Midoriya would always go and find you first.

"I told them to go on without me, I kinda left my wallet out this morning." He laughed scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Oh no, well come sit with me I can share my lunch." You scooted over from under the tree to make room for him.

"N-no its ok! I can't it's your lunch." He tried declining but you insisted.

"Yeah but you have hero training after right? You need the energy." You took out your bento box.

"Oh wow, thanks." He sat down gratefully as you started to feed him.

"Huh?! What are you doing?"

"I didn't bring any extra chop sticks, so I guess we'll have to share." You shrugged nonchalantly as you tried feeding his, he lit up like a tomato but accepted. The rest of lunch was spent that way with you feeding him while he continuously thanked you while you talked about random things.

"T-hanks y/n, I promise to make this up to you."

"You don't have to." You laughed wiping his face.

"Maybe I...could take you.... To... I just.... wanted to give you this -" the bell rung startling Izuku as he let go of the note causing it to fly away in the wind. You put your earphones on to stop the pain and sighed.

"Aw lunch is over already?" You frowned, "Oh well, anyways I'll see you around Midoriya."

"Wait!" Instead of letting you go, he grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around getting your attention.

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