Purge Victors: Hawks & Dabi Pt. 2

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A/N: Coming up next:

You're the Traitor/villain *Requested*

He finds out you're a Weeb

Celebrity AU

Keigo Takami (Hawks)


"GAH!" You shrieked at the sudden noise waking you. You nearly fell out of bed from the fright but yu quickly composed yourself to shut off the alarm. Once it was peacefully quiet again you then took the time to stretch your same and yawn. You then froze as your eyes adjusted o the light when it hit you, this isn't your apartment.    

"Oh no..." You gasped and got out of bed to check your clothes and noticed you were still clothed in your dress but you wreaked of alcohol and had a massive headache. You felt a bit disoriented from standing up so fast so you sat back down on the bed. 

You tried your best to remember what happened after you ran away from the church but for the life of you you couldn't remember, seeing your phone on the bedstand you quickly picked it up but noticed that it was dead. 

"Crap-" You suddenly heard a noise outside the bedroom you were in. Slowly going to the door and cracking it open just a bit, you peeked out to see a man in the kitchen. His back was turned so all you saw was a mop of his blonde hair and his big red wings. 

He was by the stove so he was probably cooking something, however, before you could get a glimpse of his face his head perked up and you quickly slammed the door shut before he turned around.  

You mentally chastised yourself for closing the door too loudly but more so as to how you got yourself in this situation in the first place. 

Who was that man? Is this his apartment? Why are you in his bed? Did you two do anything!? You started to panic, you didn't know where you were or who this mysterious man was. 

*knock* *knock* "You awake?" But you were about to find out. 

"....Uhh...yes..." You answered nervously. 

"Can I come in?" 

'It's your apartment' You wanted to say but instead, you stutter, "Y-Yeah..."

Slowly, he opened the door and you quickly recognized the man as well as most of the events that happened last night.

A blush formed on your cheeks from embarrassment. 

"Hey, you feeling alright?" He leaned against the doorframe, not wanting to come in any further after sensing your uneasiness.  

"Um...just a headache but more importantly...umm...where am I?" 

"My apartment," He explained, "Your phone died last night after you passed out so I couldn't figure out where you lived."

"O-Oh....I'm very sorry but...I don't know who you are, where I am, or very much of what happened last night." Your blush brightened as you bowed in front of him, "What I can remember is that I was very inappropriate to you last night and I apologize."

"No no it's alright," He reassured, "from what you told me you were going through a lot, I'm sorry about what happened to you."

"Huh?" The memory of your fiance and best friend flashed in your mind. "Oh...Oh my Gosh!" You blushed and turned away from him in embarrassment.

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