Gentleman 🎩

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He tries to be a gentleman.

Izuku Midoriya

"Goodmorning Y/n!" He greeted you happily at school.

"Morning Cinnabo-" before you could even finish, he had kissed you on the cheek.

"Hehe, what was that for, Cinnabon?" You blushed giddily by his show of affection.

"S-Sorry!" He sweat nervously, "you looked so cute I couldn't resist!"

"Aw, your so sweet-"

"Have you had breakfast?" He held out a Bento, "cause I made some for you!"

"Aw, Cinnabon that's so thoughtful..." you gushed, "but I'm sorry, gran-gran made me a big breakfast this morning..." you patted your stomach apologetically.

"Oh, we'll that's ok! We can have it with the lunch I packed you!" He held out another bento.

"Huh!?" You became nervous. "O-oh... ok... thanks Cinnabon..." his over abundance of affection were endearing but it threw you off.

He's normally thoughtful and sweet but this time felt off, like he was trying too hard to please you.


"Oh would you look at that!" Thank goodness for the bell, "I better head to class! See ya later Cinnabon!" You tried leaving.

"Oh! I'll come with!" He happily took your hand, "I'll walk you to your class!"

"A-wha-but it's on the other side of the school, you'll be late for your class!" Now you were really worried.

Your boyfriend took his studies very seriously. So him wanting to walk you to class and miss his own worried you.

"I-uhhh..." you blushed as he took your hand and walked you down the hall.

The walk was quiet and awkward to you but you strangely felt anxious with your hand in his, walking through the school and having various eyes on you. It was a bit overwhelming but he periodically squeezed your hand and flashed you a sweet smile.

When you made it to your class, you quickly tired to thank him so he could leave but he lead you into your classroom and even pulled your chair open for you.

"Cinnabon this is-" he leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"I'll see you later y/n!" He waved and left.

"..." you nervously sat there as your classmates eyed you the entire period.

Katsuki Bakugo

The two were in a (cab/Uber/lyft/taxi) to a date that you both had planned. Well, he planned it.

You had no idea where you were going. All he told you was to wear a dress and 'don't look ugly'. After cursing him out in a long winded text, you agreed to go out with him.

Now you were in the backseat of a (cab/Uber/lyft/taxi), suffocating on the strong scent of the flower bouquet he brought you (more like threw them) and mind racing on where on earth he was taking you.

The suit and flowers were really throwing you off. It scared you even. So much so that you didn't even register that the car had stopped.

"We're here..." he spoke up, already unbuckled and stepping out.

"O-oh..." you blushed after regaining yourself.

"Hey!" As you went to open your door, Bakugo angrily rushed to your door, "the hell do you think you're doing!?"

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