Forming a Family pt. 3

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First Words!

Izuku Midoriya

*Daughter D/n*

Midoriya was in his home office when suddenly you ran in with your daughter in her hero pajamas. 

"W-whats wrong honey?" Asked Midotiya a bit startled. 

"Go, baby." You smiled excitedly to your daughter. 

"Plus Ultra!" She shouted. 

"..." A single tear ran down his face. 

"Precious." He clenched his chest in pain. 

*Son S/n* 

"Come on buddy you gotta drink your milk to grow big and strong." whined your husband trying to feed your son. 

It was late at night when your son started crying for hunger so your husband tiredly took your shift to go and make a bottle for him. 

The sad thing was, he hated formula. He wanted to be breastfed but you were too tired and you two also anted t slowly lean him off of breast milk because you had started to go back to work. 

"You wanna be like mommy and daddy don't you?" He smiled knowingly and he nodded his head excitedly. 

"Then you gotta drink your formula little buddy." He tried feeding him again but he pushed the bottle away. 

"No!" He cried "Momma."

"But she's asleep." He whined but then froze, "Wait, what did you say?"


"Oh my gosh- Y/n!" Quickly you burst in with a camera. 

"I heard the whole thing!" You said excitedly. 

"My baby said his first words!" You gushed running up to him and taking your son. 

"Say t again buddy!" Smiled Midoriya.

"Momma! Dadda!" He cheered which caused both of you to clench your chests. 

"The cuteness, it's too much..." You choked out. 

"Super!" He spoke another word. 

"It hurts..." Squeaked Midoriya falling to his knees. 

It turns out your daughter taught him a lot of words when they were at day care and the more he spoke the more it panged you're heart. 

Katsuki Bakugo

*Son S/n*

You were in the kitchen feeding your son when suddenly you smelt his diaper. 

"Uh oh, my little baby boy made a stinky!" You teased as he laughed while you tickled him. You then noticed a pot on your stove overflowing, "Oh crap" You quickly ran over to tend to it. 

Your son then started to cry and reach out for you in his high chair. 

"Hey Babe can you change S/n, I'm a little busy." You called to your husband. 

"Ugh, your so damn lazy." He groaned but still got up fro the living room couch. 

"Oh yeah I'm soo lazy and your soo busy, I'm so grateful you took the time out of your busy schedule of watching tv." You joked and he glared at you. 

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