How you met (New 2)

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Denki Kaminari - Meeting + Going to Your House

(This is a slightly changed of the original story I wrote for him in "New Characters")

Age 6

You sat quietly as your father worked on his phone, you were in your father's limo on your way to a new school since an inncident caused you to leave your other more prestige school. 

"I'm really sorry Papa..."

"It's not your fault y/n, blame your mother for not being strong enough to birth you into someone less flawed."

"Yes papa," you said silencing yourself again until the limo pulled up to your school. 

"Lady L/n?" Called your driver as he opened the door for you.


"Have a safe day at school." He waved off. 

"Could you please walk me inside." You flinched as he finally took his eyes off his phone, something he didn't do very often, "I-Its juts that, I'm scared to go in by myself, I know you have to go to work but...can you please walk me inside?"

He sighed and went back to typing. He snapped his fingers and his door automatically opened then he got out making you smile, "Thank you, papa."

"Oh hello, aren't you a cutie?" Smiled the teacher as she saw you at the doorframe with your father. 

"I'm going to work now, you behave," He said while texting on his phone. 

"Yes, papa." You smiled as he leaned down so you could give him a kiss on his cheek while he still worked on his phone. "I love you." You continued to smile as he simply waved you off and left. 

Most of the kids were busy talking amongst themselves, but a certain blonde-haired boy caught one glance at you and was immediately entranced. 

 "Welcome to our school, its an honor to have you here," Said your teacher excited and nervous that someone from your family is in her class. Now everyone had their eyes on you due to being the new student and for wearing a very traditional and formal dress to school. 

 "Go on ahead and introduce yourself." Smiled the teacher as you walked in.

"Ummm hello." You waved and bowed over formally. "My name is Y/n L/n and I'm from Azabu, thank you for letting me be your classmate" You smiled and everyone was mesmerized by how your genuine happiness radiated from you. 

"The name's Kaminari, but you can call me Kami." He smirked kissing your hand. 

"Haha, your really sweet Kami." You said using the nickname he insisted and had a nosebleed so massive that he went stupid. 

You were always happy, he never once saw you upset, even when you were hurt.

"Hey, did you get your quirk yet?" 

"N-No not yet, but my papa said that's ok since he didn't get his quirk until he was older." You lied.  

"Aw ok." He shrugged, "you wanna see something cool?" 

"Yeah sure." You smiled as he activated his quirk showing off his lightning but hit you on accident. 

He apologized profusely and visited you every day in the hospital but you told him it was ok and not his fault. Not many people knew but you were cursed, you actually did get your quirk before you were four, it was passed down from your father, it was bad luck. You caused misfortune to yourself and everyone around you and because you didn't have much control over your quirk, it was hard making friends and you had just about forced all the schools in your neighborhood to kick you out, that was why you were at his school, it was the only other school close enough that didn't know about your family curse and what it could do. 

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