He Gets Flustered

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Izuku Midoriya

While walking to his next class Midoriya was consumed by a wave of anxious students that were late for class. Pushing himself out of the crowd he quickly rushed inside the changing room to get ready for his gym class.

While inside he went to his locker and found trouble opening it to change into his PE uniform. Confused, he tried again but the combination wouldn't open so he became a bit panicked looking around searching to see if he was at the wrong locker. He was already late for class and the room was empty so there was no one he could ask for help.

As he tried again for the third time he heard humming that took his panicked state and turned it up to 11 because the voice was feminine.

"Wait a minute!" It was then Izuku realized he was in the second year's bathroom, because there you were, in nothing but your swimming uniform with your back turned with your ear muffs in, blocking out all noise.

Turning crimson immediately, he ran out stumbling in his departure all the while you hummed to yourself as you finished changing.

Katsuki Bakugou 

(This is gonna be the last time I'm gonna give a swear warning because I think you guys understand Bakugou now)

While changing into your swim suit for your next class one of your classmates busted into the changing room excitedly.

"Did you guys hear? We're sharing the pool with class with class 1A today!" Hearing that only sent you into annoyance remembering a certain blonde haired boy.

"Y/n..." your friend called warningly seeing how aggressively you gripped your goggles breaking them in the process.

"What?" You grumbled.

She gave you a look that said behave yourself to which you scoffed in response.

"I'm not the one you should be worried about!" she tried calming you down as she saw a glimpse of Bakugou exiting the changing room. "That psychopath tried to kill me the other day!"

"Are you kidding me!?" he screamed from across the pool setting you off even further, "We went to jail because of your crazy ass!"

"Wrong dumbass! We were in holding! There's a difference!" You retorted back.

"Of course you'd know that, jail rat!"

"Looks like Bakugou finally found his perfect match." laughed Kaminari.

"Shut it Pikachu!" You and Bakugou growled at the same time pissing you two off even further.

When class started you all were supposed to have a physical strength test. You were holding a metal pipe while over the pool, if you let go you lose. It was also a competition so you were free to use your quirk as you pleased. Lucky for Bakugou, he had an advantage in this. Heating the pipe conducted enough heat to cause most of the students to let go and fall into the pool.

"I ain't going down that easily pop rocks!" You gloated using your quirk to cover your hands protecting it from the heat.

"You still here man hands!?" your eye twitched at the nickname, "Why don't you just give up already? You're not gonna win this!" He smirked arrogantly.

"Don't call me that you blonde prick!" you kicked him off the pipe but Bakugou wasn't going down alone so he grabbed your leg dragging him with you. With you falling on top of him t added extra weight sinking you two down to the bottom of the pool knocking Bakugou out.

Feeling bad after taking his unconscious body out of the pool, you immediately gave him CPR.

"What the hell man hands!?" he coughed up wiping his mouth from the 'kiss' growling angrily he stood up gagging.

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