The Makeup pt.2

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Shouta Aizawa

Your backstory (3/3)

"Yo Y/n! wanna join us for lunch!?" Asked Mic with Aizawa.

Where do I begin?

"No thanks guys, I'm gonna the library." You lied.

Let's start with the fact that he could always see through my lies. 

"I'm not all that hung-Hey!" You whined as Aizawa pulled you into the cafeteria. 

"Shut up and eat if you faint on me today I'm not carrying your sorry ass to the nurse..." 

He knew I hadn't been eating all that much for a few days...

"I can have one of my family's servants whip me something up you know?"

Those servants...those damn servants...I guess I shouldn't hate them too much..they did care about my well being...even if they were paid to...

"Yeah right, I don't believe you'd do that though, so eat." He glared stuffing your face with more food. 

He cared for me more than my own family. 

"You really mean it, father!?"

I was so excited that day...after so long...they were finally coming home.

"Of course sweetie, your mother and I even brought presents, we can't wait to tell you stories of our trips!" 

Everything was going so right, I was going to tell them all about my friends and all the people I met at school, all the things they missed out on...

"You promise?"

"We promise..."

What a bunch of bullshit.

"Hey, guys!" 

But at least I had them.

"What are you guys doing after school?" 

I started spending more time with them, I ignored my parent's calls and spent as much time out of that cold and empty house as possible. 

"Gonna go party!!!" Yelled Mic. 

"Going home to studying, and you should too...finals are next week." Glared Aizawa.

He was always such a nerd, even though he was so lazy at times. 

"Lighten up Shouta!" You laughed putting your arm over his shoulders. "You should learn to have some fun for once!"

He just wanted what's best for me...I know that but...he was my boyfriend, not my father.

"And you should learn to be more worried about your future." He stepped out of your grasp, "You wanna be a hero right? then stop fooling around, we're 1 semester away from graduating, this isn't a game..."

Please don't make me go home alone...I can't stand the silence. 

"Of course I know that, but what's the point of being a hero when you can properly socialize, ts part of being a hero too." You pointed out. 


"She got you there Aizawa..." Chuckled Mic. 

"Whatever, I'm headed home, if you guys wanna get hammered a week before finals, be my guest..." He waved off making the two of you pout. 

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