Family Moments: Lame!😩

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Midterms are coming up but I'll probably have most chapters out during my spring break.

Izuku Midoriya
Daughter (13) & Son (10)

Your kids were sitting at the lunch table in the cafeteria, surrounded by a small group of their respective friends when suddenly their father came in.

"Hiya kids!" Smiled your husband grappling down with his quirk to give his kids lunch for school.

"Hey, dad..." They greeted casually as if the #1 hero wasn't in front of them.

"Oh my gosh, it's Deku!" Screamed one of their classmates and in a matter of seconds, the three of them were surrounded by adoring fans.

"Hehe, I formed quite the audience huh?" He blushed apologetically, he knew his kids liked to keep to themselves and hatted too much attention, but that was impossible considering who their parents were.

"Thanks, dad but you could have just left it in the front office..." Your son deadpanned.

"Yeah but I wanted to see you guys, I missed you two!" He smiled, hugged them, and then ruffled their hair.

"Daad!" Whined your daughter, "We missed you too ok, now please go, we'll see you at home ok?"

"Ok-ok, ill go, oh! by the way, mom's making Katsudon for dinner! Yay!" He gushed, "Well, gotta run!" He waved then swung off with his quirk.

"Oh wow!" Gushed another student.

"The hero Deku is so cool! He's so strong and fearless!" Praised another person from the crowd that formed around the three of them.

"Hard to believe he's the same guy that cried on the floor for 20 minutes the other night when he stubbed his toe on the sofa...." Sighed your son and your daughter agreed by shaking her head in silent embarrassment.

*Mini bonus: 1st draft*

"I really hope (Bakugo's son) likes my gift I got him..." Blushed your son as you all walked to the Bakugo's house for a birthday party.

"I'm sure he'll love it, baby." You gushed.

"You really think so mom?" He smiled, similar to your husband. "I worked really hard on it..."

"It doesn't matter, he's a dude, he'll just throw it out." Shrugged your daughter.

"Huh!?" Your son cried.

"Whoa!" You shook your head disapprovingly.

"It's true mom, gran-gran said all men are trash!" Your daughter folded her arms and puffed her cheeks.

"Then what about me?" Cried your husband, "am I trash D/n?"

"Huh? Oh no, daddy, gran-gran says your a 孩子" Smiled your daughter encouragingly.

"Well, Gran-gran is a closeted lonely old woman!" Midoriya blurted impulsively. Over the years he's gotten quite tired of your grandmother throwing jabs at him.

"Jeez daddy, calm down it was a compliment." She giggled.

"Sweetie, we gotta get you a new mandarin tutor..." You sighed at how oblivious your daughter was. 

"Huh? Why?" She asked innocently.

"No more girls night with gran-gran..." Your husband deadpanned.

"What!?" She whined, "But tomorrow's Mijiu night!"

"Excuse me!?" You gasped at the thought of your grandmother giving your daughter alcohol when she's babysitting.

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