He Helps You Overcome a Fear

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Izuku Midoriya

*I used google translate again and I'm immensely sorry for all my Chinese readers out there*

"Hey, Midoriya wanna walk with us to the train station?" asked Uraraka with Ida.

"No that's fine, I'll just wait on- Y/n?" He watched as you ran out of school with such speed he almost didn't even notice you. 

"Y/n!? where are you going!?" He called chasing you after seeing you run in the opposite direction of the train station. 

"I have to go! He needs me!"

"Who? what's going on!?" He asked just as panicked as you as he followed you into a hospital.

"Gran-gran!" You quickly ran up to her as you saw her crying next to your grandfather. 

"Nǐ lǎotóu! (You damn old man!)" Cried your grandmother as she beat your grandfather with her purse. "Nǐ zěnme gǎn yīshì dānxīn nǐ !? (How dare you made I worry about you!?)"

"G-Gran-gran?" You sighed dragging her off of him. "What happened?" You got a call from your grandmother saying that your grandfather was in the hospital.

"Tā de yúchǔn de zìwǒ shānghàile zìjǐ gàn yīngxióng lā shǐ zàicì! Suīrán tā yǐjīng tuìxiūle! (his dumbass got hurt doing hero shit again! Even though he retired!)" She struggled against you trying to hit him again.

"Grand Torino are you ok!?" Asked Mydoriya seeing him in a cast and wrapped legs.

"I'm alright as long as you get that crazy broad away from me.." He glared at your grandmother.

"Fēng!? I'll show you crazy! Nǐ wàng'ēnfùyì de sīshēngzǐ! (you ungrateful bastard!)"

"Nurse! nurse!"

It took three nurses to haul your grandmother out of his room and wait outside.

"Grandpa, what happened?"

"There was a civilian attack at the bank where I was, kind of got sloppy." He laughed jokingly but that did stop the tears that were forming in your eyes. "These villains are getting younger and more powerful, guess the old hag was right, I'm getting too old for this."

"Grampa, me and gran-gran love you very much, please don't worry her like that again, I don't think her heart can take it..."

"Alright Y/n, I'll be more careful..."

"I know you can't stop yourself from doing the right thing...but ...I love you, grandpa..." You hugged him and shivered showing him just how worried you were for him.

"Gran Torino, I'm here to give you your painkillers..." Said his nurse. "And he'll be asleep after he takes then so I suggest you leave to let him fully rest."

"I'll come to visit you later grandpa..." You promised then left with Mydoriya

As soon as you left you lost feeling in your legs and nearly fainted if not for Midoriya catching you.

"Are you ok Y/n!?" He asked setting you down to sit down in a nearby chair.

"yes...thank you Midoriya..." You sighed thanking him for getting you something to drink to calm you down, "...My grandparents fought all the time, I've never once seen them happy together, but they do love each other, even though neither one will admit it..." you laughed nervously then started to cry uncontrollably as the realization dawned on you; you nearly lost your grandfather today.

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