Cheating Prank! *Requested*

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*Requested by: Sun-Att*

Cheating On Your Boyfriend Prank!

Izuku Midoriya

"Hey!" Shouted Bakugou to you while you were at your locker. You couldn't hear him yelling at you because you had your headphones in as usual so it came off as if you were ignoring him. 

"Oh, hi Bakugou, is there something you need?" You smiled. You were all too used to your boyfriend's loud classmate so when he came up to you rather aggressively, you weren't scared.

"Where's broccoli top!?" He  growled, "We got a group project and the bastard was supposed to be here by now!"  

"O-oh I'm sorry, I asked him to go to lunch with me, but he's in the bathroom, should be out by now." As you said that you pointed to the boy's bathroom where Mydoriys stepped out of. 

"HEY DEKU!" he growled while walking up to him to curse him out. Izuku apologized like he usually did making you sigh.

"What makes you think you can ignore me an go out with your ditzy girlfriend" 

"Hey, I might be deaf but I'm standing right here." You said feeling offended. 

"Oh yeah!? And what are you gonna do about it pancake!" He threatened you while igniting his hands. 

"I just...want you to stop picking on Cinnabon, he said he was sorry, and it was my fault to begin with..." You said not wanting to start a fight, even though you'd love to drop him. 

"Who was talking to you anyways you flat-chested boy!" Damn. 

"Why are you calling flat-chested you spiky-haired pop-rock!" You fired back causing everyone around you to drop their jaws in shock and fear for you. Midoriya was scared for both of you, he genuinely didn't know who'd win if a fight started and was scared he'd have to jump in. 

"You talk to me like that and I'll-"

"You'll what?" Asked a females voice from down the hall. "You'll fight her? I wish you would fight her!" Threatened his girlfriend who was also one of your close friends. 

"Wha-man-hands? Don't you have class!?" He growled. 

"I can't study cause my boyfriend is being an inconsiderate asshole to my friends!" She growled, "Would t kill you o go one our without threatening people and starting fights!?" 

"Well, I wouldn't have to if these idiots were competent!-ow you hag!" He shouted as his girlfriend slapped him upside the head. 

"You're the idiot!" She then grabbed him by the tie, "Now you and broccoli top are gonna plan your project QUIETLY!" She grabbed Midoriya by his tie as well and dragged them both to an empty classroom. "And if there's anymore conflict caused by either of you, I'm kicking your ass!" She threatened her boyfriend knowing Midoriya couldn't start a fight even if he tried. 

"Now stay here and behave!" She slammed the door then walked back over to you. 

"hey sorry about him, he's a handful." She laughed scratching the back of her head. 

"Haha, its no trouble." You waved off. 

 "So what was that all about, does broccoli top ever stand up for himself?" 

"Oh, well Cinnabon doesn't like unnecessary conflict, I can respect that." Yeah, you were sort of an adrenaline junkie, but you also hated to fight for no reason. 

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