Hawks x *Chubby* Reader *One-Shot*

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A/n: I need ideas for the "He scares you" scenario (especially for Denki and Bakugo)! DX I've never been this stuck! I'm so sorry it's taking so long!

*So until I can get my shit together, here's an unnecessarily long one-shot*

*DISCLAIMER! I don't know much about Hawks! I didn't read that far ahead in the manga! This is pure fanfic for my enjoyment, and if you like it too, that's cool :D*

*You can be as thick as you wanna be in this, the pic is just decoration XD*

*Voting at the end!*

*Hope you enjoy! :D*

*Friend's name: F/n*

"Hey Y/n, got any more zip ties!?" Asked your friend as both of you were setting up your booth.  

"Yeah, lemme just setting up these figures." You said while hanging up your custom made hero miniature action figures. 

"Here you go." You handed your friend the zip tie so she could finish tying your banner. "Thanks again for helping me set up my booth F/n." You thanked as you held the ladder while she stepped down. 

"No prob Y/n, we still on for lunch later?" She asked then chucked, "Nah of course you are." she joked while nudging you. 

"Haha, r-right..." You laughed nervously. You've always been kinda chubby so the jokes never bothered you too much, yet they still lingered in your mind. 

"You need me to help you sell your stuff?" She asked to help with your booth but you declined, you've done this many times before. You were a full-time animator and part-time artist that took requests to draw and make figures and plushies of different heroes. You got so popular that conventions started to invite you to be at their events. 

"hey, a couple of top tier heroes are having their own Q&A panels!" Said your friend in awe. She was just as much as a nerd as you but she was more extreme. 

"Please don't harass them...." You signed knowingly. 

"I'm not gonna do that!" She said defensively, "I just want an autograph...and a few pics...and for some of them to feed my fanfics-"  She quickly ran away to go to a panel that was just starting. 

"F/n!" You called but it was too late, she was already gone. So you sighed and let out a small chuckle, then went to sit behind your booth and waited for som fans to drop by. 

After a few hours of random people enjoying your art and buying a few things, you were tired and it was only noon. 

Interacting with people always drained you.

A couple of people came over and recognized you, "Oh my gosh I can't believe it's you!" They were definitely fans of your work, "I recognize your avatar! Wow, your much so...shorter in person." You knew what she wanted to say but instead of getting hung up about it you forced a smile and greeted her. 

"Hi, there, are you a fan of my work?" 

"Uh duh!" They exclaimed, "I love your fan art!" most fans did, you mainly got your popularity on making fan arts of various pro-heroes. 

"I especially loved your Hawks artworks!" They said in glee after seeing one of your many Hawks artworks. 

"O-Oh, thanks." You blushed as she wanted to buy the last one. 

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