Getting Food Without You!?

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He does the unthinkable.

Izuku Midoriya

"Hey Gran-Torino, hey Gran-gran!" Midoriya greeted me while walking into your home.

"Hey Midoriya, whatcha got there?" asked Torino.

"Oh just some snacks for me and y/n's movie night." he smiled.

"That's not enough for both of you..." said gran-gran, "y/n will devour that in seconds."

"Oh, yeah, this is just for me!" he smiled naively.

"What?" both your grandparents stared at your boyfriend as if he just committed the dumbest thing known to man.

"Yeah, I texted her earlier to ask her what she wanted but she said she wasn't hungry so I just got this for myself..." he shrugged.

"How you nerd and stupid at the same time?" asked gran-gran while Your grandfather facepalmed.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked worriedly but he might've upset you or your grandparents.

"Yes!" panicked Gran Torino.

"No..." gran-gran Casually shrugged and sipped her tea.

"Cinnabon you made it!" you rushed down the stairs to hug your boyfriend.

"Ooh you brought snacks!?" you beamed looking at the bag he was carrying, "awesome, let's go, I already set up the movie!" started pulling him upstairs to your room, " my grandpa! my gran-gran! Love you!" you waved while pulling your apprehensive boyfriend.

"Bye..." your grandmother waved teasingly while your grandfather saluted your boyfriend.

-A few moments later-

"Y-You said you weren't hungry... A-so I uh..." he shakily handed you the bag, "I got you some food!"

"..." you stared down at him with murderous eyes.

He was a crying mess in the corner as happily ate the food he brought over for your movie night in your room.

Katsuki Bakugo

He had brought over the food he made earlier to your house and refused to share it with you.

"..." he sat alone in your dining room, casually eating the delicious smelling food.

Both of you were pretty stingy when it came to food so you had to be cunning.

You snuck behind him with chopsticks. you've been slowly and quietly began to try to sneak a piece of his food from his plate.

Just as you were about to pick one up without him noticing you felt a chopstick stab your hand.

"Ahh!" you cried while rubbing your hand.

"Paws off man hands!" he glared.

"Oh come on!"

"Not a chance fatass!" he glared.

"You fuckin-" you quickly began eating his food.

"Hey!" he pulled you into his lap and held you down.

"You want some? Fine! Have some!" he started stuffing your mouth with the food, too much for you to chew at once.

"Ok-ok!" you cried as he continued to feed you.

Your cries and pleas went unheard as you were now unable to speak.

"Heat it man hands! And don't you dare spit it out! You better swallow it all!" your brothers heard Bakugo scream from their respective rooms.

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