Side Hustle 💵

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Izuku Midoriya

"I can't find my size!" complained a customer.

"Uh, just a second mam, I'll go check in the back!" he frantically ran to the back with his quirk and came back seconds later.
"A-sorry mam, we're all out of that size..." he apologized.

"Yeah right, like you actually checked!" she rolled her eyes, "you were probably back there making out with that slut!" she pointed at you As you were walking out of the bathroom with a box of new shoes to restock.

"...*deep inhale*... ma'am what seems to be the problem?" you gave a fake smile.

"This bozo can't do his job and find my size!" she shoved a box of shoes into your already full hands.

"I-I checked the back and even the system, we're all out!" Cried Midoriya, feeling shameful that he made a customer upset.

This was only his first week while you have been working there for a couple of months. safe to say that he wasn't used to belligerent customers.

"Well ma'am if it's not in our system then there's not much else we can do..." you shrugged.

"I'd like to speak to your manager!" she glared.

"..." You and Midoriya looked at each other.

"Alright..." you set down the boxes, turned around, took a deep breath, and then turned back around with an even brighter smile, " hello ma'am how can I assist you today?"

"You little brat! you think you're funny!?" she exploded in rage.

"I've been told get out or ill kick you out myself." you smiled.

"That's verbal assault! I'm calling the police!" she took out her phone.

"Waaay ahead of you, Karen, I already tripped a silent alarm the minute you stepped in here..." you waved as the security guards quickly came behind her and apprehended the woman and escorted her out of the store.

"T-thanks y/n" he blushed. "How are you able to put up with all these mean customers?"

"I've been running gran-gran's flower shop since I was 9..." you scoffed, "I've dealt with drunken housewives fighting for the last pot of tulips... Nothing scares me anymore..." you patted his back reassuringly.

Katsuki Bakugo

"So what can I get for you ma-ma-ma..." he asked while cleaning a glass cup.

"Heeeey Bakugo!" You and Mina smirked at him from the bar stool.

"Man hands!? Pinky!?" he got so angry and was so surprised that he crushed the glass in his hands. "The hell are you doing here...?"

"Kirishima finally cracked and told us about your part-time job..." you explained while snapping photos of him.

"What!?" he Glared at his redheaded friend who stood a few feet beside him handling other customers.

"Sorry bro but those girls are pretty terrifying when they're together..." he apologized.

"You damn weakling!" he glared. "I ought to-ack!" he cried from the flashes from your home, "cut that out!"

"This is one of the only times I get to see you in a tux and I am not missing this moment." you gushed while taking pictures of him. "I already sent a couple to mamma Mitsuki..." you giggled.

"Yeah, and you guys are super cute all dressed up!" gushed Mina.

"Gah! What the hell!? Get out!" he grumbled while dodging the camera.

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