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**Requested by:MeowMeowWantRevenge** 

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Denki Kaminari - Meeting + Going to Your House

You were walking home in the rain after your mom forgot to pick you up from school yet again. Being coated in rotten eggs and hair soaked in spoilt milk was bad enough, being saturated in the rain didn't make it better or worse. You just continued with your slow limped pace back home. 

Why did this always happen to you? You were always a target, and never got any help, any were always alone.

Too overwhelmed by your depressing thoughts, you were too distracted that you couldn't hear the sirens signaling a hurricane.

The winds picked up and the rain pelted you like icicles but still, you couldn't feel it. Everything around you was falling apart, you felt 

"Hey! Hey! Look out!" You didn't notice until the blonde boy tackled you out of the way of a lightning strike and landed underneath an awning sheltering the two of you from the rain.

"Are you ok!?" He asked in shock as you weren't responsive. too lost in your own mind to comprehend what was really happening until the boy spoke your name.

"You could have been killed!-wait...Y/n!?" Your eyes snapped out of its trance and stared up at the concerned blonde boy on top of you.

"Oh my god, it really is you!" He smiled brightly, "I haven't seen you since kindergarten where have you been!?"

"..K-Kaminari...?" You asked with a hoarse voice.

"Yeah! I can't believe you remembered me!" his smile suddenly faded after seeing bruises and rotten food covering your face..."Hey...are you ok?" Finally realizing your situation, you quickly pushed the boy off of you and ran away.

"Hey wait! It's dangerous!" He chased after you but quickly outran him, you didn't want him to see you, you didn't want anyone to see you, you just wanted to disappear, was that so hard to ask!?

"What took you so long?"

"Hello? is Y/n home?"

"Who the hell are you?" Asked your older sister.

"I-I'm Denki Kaminari, L/n and I went to school together..." he caught you from the corner of his eye huddled in a small room trying to clean the trash out of your hair. Your eyes met for a brief second before you drew clothe the curtains in the place of where your door should have been but looked like it had been kicked down.

"She ain't here, now beat it kid" She slammed the door.

He tried talking to you in other ways, meeting you out on the street, walking home from school, while working, but nothing would work, you wouldn't even look at him and everytime you made eye contact you'd just run in the opposite direction.

One day while you were walking home from school he finally caught up to you.

"Hey-Y/n Wait!" he called after you saw him and started running, "I just want to talk!" he chased you all the way home but you wouldn't stop.

"Just leave me alone!" You cried slamming your door as you made it home.

"...Look, I don't know why you don't want to see me, but I'm worried about you...I know we haven't talked in a while but...I still want to be your friend, to go back to the things used to be..."

"...I do too..." You whispered behind the door crying but he caught it.

"I don't know what's going on in your life right now, but I know it's not good, I mean, look where your living..." Your neighborhood was a bit sketchy but your house seemed the most dilapidated. but things weren't always like this when he knew you, you and your family were very well off. you lived in a large house once, and Kaminari would always come over to place, but one day that all ended up moving and he never saw you after that.  

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