What He Loves About You

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A/N: I'm accepting requests for the last two scenarios before the purge is over.

So DM me your request. Its first come first serve (or I'll do the most popularly requested)

For now, here's a short scenario ❤️

Katsuki Bakugo
Your personality

"Imma need you to explain." You glared toward your boyfriend.

"What the hell is there to explain, dumbass!?" He growled.

"You speak your mind, your the most stubborn person I've ever met and you don't let anyone push you around!" He admitted.

"Aw...babe..." You blushed and kissed his cheek.

Though he doesn't admit it, he really loves your stubborn attitude, you don't let anyone push you around, not even him, you stand up for yourself and the people you love and he finds that irresistibly attractive.

"How else did you think I allowed you to stay by my side for so long, dumbass..." he rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and say you love me already!" You hugged him.

"If you don't know that by now then your dumber than I thought, man hands!" He blushed as you hugged him even tighter.

Shoto Todoroki
Your clinginess

"I'm not clingy!" You whined, "I'm just...overly affectionate..." you blushed.

"Same difference." Exposed Todoroki while sipping his tea.

"W-well...why is that your favorite thing about me? Doesn't it get annoying?" You asked knowingly.

"No mot really?" He shrugged, "you're just being yourself, if I'm honest I like it..." he gave a faint smile.

Because he didn't get enough love and affection in his early childhood, so he really appreciates that your so overly caring towards him.

"Aw Shoto-kun!" You smiled then hugged him and showered his face in kisses.

Hitoshi Shinso
Your perversion

"Your not afraid to be yourself around me and you treat me like a normal person." He admitted.

"Hitoshi..." you blushed, "that's so sweet..."

"Your more than just my girlfriend...your my best friend..." he leaned over and kissed your forehead.

"Aw, thanks babe..."

"But you gotta stop calling me daddy...that shit is weird." He complained.

"Hehe...if you didn't want me to call you that then you shouldn't have turned into one" you teased.

"I'm not a daddy you freak..." he grumbled.

"I could help you become one..." You smirked.

"Alright, imma head out." He got up and left.

"Hitoshi!" You shined while chasing after him.

Keigo Takami
Your protectiveness

"She's so nice!" He gushed, "even to people who don't deserve it, I don't even think she's got a mean bone in her body!" He smiled,
"But if you hurt anyone she cares about, then mama bear comes out..." a perverted smirk graced his lips.

"I-mama bear?" You blushed.

"Yeah babe, you get vicious if anyone tries to take advantage of us, then the claws come out...and it's super hot..." he winked.

"Uh..w-well...thanks..." you tried hiding your face but then Keigo kissed your cheeks, making your face burn even more.

Your fake innocence

"She's a top." He smirked.

"Dabi!" You blushed.

"What? It's true." He laughed.
"She acts all innocent and sweet then out of the blue she blind sides you with her sadistic side!" He explained excitedly.

"Wha-that's not true!" You puffed your cheeks.

"Oh yeah, you think your so innocent Angel?" He teased, "remember the time you wanted to disembowel Endeavor when I told you -"

"Ack-OK!" You blushed, "so maybe I have a bit of a problem..."

"Oh that's not even half of it" he turned back to the audience, spilling more tea.
"When we're in bed, she likes to choke-"

"AAAHHH!!!" You screamed and pulled out a pocket knife ready to stab your boyfriend in order for him to shut up.


Ejiro Kirishima
Your appetite

"I love a girl that can chow down just as much as me!" He smiled causing you to blush in embarrassment and pulling your hoodie over your ears.

"K-Kirishima..." You whined.

"What? It's not something you should be embarrassed about Y/n!" He encouraged.
"I've seen you finish a burger in 3 bites, it was awesome!" He praised, "Your totally badass, you've never lost an eating contest!"

"S-so your saying I'm fat?..." you tried covering your face with your hoodie.

"Well even if you were, which you aren't, I'd love you just as much!" He hugged you, "I'd probably wanna cuddle you even more than I already do!" He gushed while cuddling up to you.

"W-Well, I-I..." Your face was basically on fire at this point.

He kissed your cheek and didn't let you go the rest of the interview.

A/n: Thanks for reading! ❤️

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