Pro Heroes!

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*I'm having trouble writing the villains: Iida scenario (I'm going through a lot of rewrites) so I wrote this up real quick of characters I've never done before. 


Enji Todoroki

*Meeting again*

You were having an awful day, your husband went off on another trip, and your children, too busy with their own lives are actively ignoring you. So instead of staying at home drinking your life away, as usual, you instead favored to go out to your old neighborhood and bar you used to frequent when you were younger. 

"Hi- Y/n?...w-welcome back!" Smiled the bartender, "Figured Id never see ou around these parts anymore since you and your old man made it big!" He laughed.

You didn't know what compelled you to come back here, was it because of your apathetic family? Missing your old friends? Or the alcohol?  

"Yes well, father works very hard as usual with the children so I decided to stroll down memory lane, is (friend's name) still here?" You asked while sitting at the bar. 

"Yeah, she's around back, hey (friend's name) get out here your gonna love this!" He called, "So what can  get you?"

"The usual." You smiled while leaning against the bar table, "I haven't anything stable since breakfast..." 

Ding ding ding, all three.  

"Whoa, you think you can still handle that old gal?" Smiled your other friend while carrying out a few boxes then set them down to get you. 

"(Friend's name)!" You smiled as she ran up to hug you. 

"I can't believe you here!" She gushed, "It's been so long! So much has changed!" 

"I know I'm sorry!" You cried with her. 

"Why does your husband get to go god knows where and you could even go out with your old friends?" Asked your bartender friend, "Your dad's pretty sexist if you ask me."

"No, he's fine"

"Oh please, he sold you like cattle to (husband's name) when he found out you were quirkless." Scoffed your female friend. 

"Ok he's an asshole but...look I got nothing I just came here to get wasted with some old friends, is that so hard to ask!?" You blurted. 

Both your friends laughed at you while your bartender friend handed you your usual drink, when you went to reach for it he pulled it away, "You sure you can still handle it?" 

You and your female friend looked at each other, then back at him to laugh. 

"Dude, this is Y/n were talking about, she can handle liquor like Enji can handle fire." She joked causing you to tense up. "Oh, sorry."

"No-no its all good." You laughed nervously, "We haven't kept in touch that much but it's not like we can avoid each other forever I guess..."

"Enji hasn't been here in years, longer than you, then again he left quicker than you..." Explained your bartender friend solemnly. 

"Ah forget about that big shot, he's got his own life, wouldn't be caught dead here even!" Taunted your female friend, "What are the chances he'll walk through those doors!?"

As she said that, Japan's number 2 hero walked through the doors in civilian clothing. All three of your froze once you noticed each other. 

"What are the chances that Jason Momoa just comes rushing in with his shirt off!" Said your female friend realizing she might have some powers.  

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