Family moments: The Talk

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A/N: I'm writing these filters for 2 reasons;
1. Procrastination from my finals
2. To avoid all my problems in life🙂

On with the story!

Prompt: "Mommy? Daddy? Where do babies come from?"

Izuku Mydoriya
Daughter & Son

"The stork." both You and your husband said bluntly.

"What?" ask your son confused, " but my science teacher said-"

"She's a liar!" you blushed.

"A giant bird flew in and gave you to us!" Izuku explained.

"Uncle Tokoyami?" He asked while getting even more confused.

"No." said your husband.

"Yes, " you replied simultaneously.

" I knew it!" he pointed at the two of you accusingly, "you too are contradictory!" yelled the four year old.

"We're telling the truth baby!" you cried.

"If you two won't tell me then I'll just go ask big sis!" he puffed his cheeks then went to go to his sister's room to go and ask her.

"Wait no!" Cried Izuku.

Your daughter was extremely intelligent for her age, there was definitely a possibility that she already knew and would be more than happy to tell him.

"Big sis, can you tell me how babies are-" you quickly ran up and covered your son's mouth.

"Huh?" Asked your little daughter, confused at what was going on, "You wanna know how babies are made?" asked your daughter in confusion, "thats easy, conception starts when the pe-"

"Ah!" cried your husband and quickly covered her mouth as well.

"Babies come from the stork!" the two of you shouted.

"But-" your son tried speaking up.

"The stork!" The two of you reiterated.

"... admit it! You two don't know what sex is do you?" he asked while folding his arms and puffing his cheeks.


It turns out your daughter already told him what sex was, he just didn't make the connection that it was that action that made babies. Turns out you didn't need to tell them after all both of your kids were smart enough to figure things out on their own.

Katsuki Bakugo
Son & Daughter

"" you took a deep breath while explaining to your daughter.
"When a man and a woman love each other very much, they-"

"We're not having this conversation!" yelled your daughter while she abruptly stood up and quickly left the room.

"Thank you so much!" you cried in relief.

You didn't want to tell her how conception worked. It was way too awkward, she'll figure it out sooner or later on her own; that's how you learned it.

-Meanwhile with your husband and son-


Your son sat in awkward silence (bound to a chair), waiting on his father's explanation.

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