You Go to a Party

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DISCLAIMER: Don't drink unless you're of age!!!

Izuku Midoriya

*Designated Parent*

(Italics means they're talking in Mandarin)

"Ok gran-gran The noodles are all ready, the cake's almost done, and the table's all set up with all your favorite dishes." You nodded with appreciation to yourself after a job well done. It was your grandmother's birthday and you had spent the entire morning and early afternoon preparing for her party all by yourself, "the guest should be arriving so-"

"Where are the drinks?" Asked your grandmother while looking at everything you prepared.

"Oh, that's right, I bought this delicious mango juice that I know you'll love!" You smiled.

"That's not what I meant child, where's the booze!?" She asked skeptically.


"That's the only reason I'm having the damn party in the first place!" She complained, "What'll happen when my friends get here and see that I have a damn drybar!?"

"Gran-gran you go drinking every other week with your friends, one night isn't going to kill you..." You rolled your eyes while fixing the decorations.

"This boring ass party might..." She muttered.

"Ok-ok, I'll see what I can do..." you sighed while taking out your phone, "I'll text Grandpa and Cinnabon to see if they can bring over some wine..."

"The killjoy and the nerd!?" She whined, "They're coming too!?"

"Yes, Gran-gran and you will behave yourself when they get here." You demanded like a scolding parent.

"Those dorks are gonna ruin my party!" She continued to complain while fixing her dress and make-up.

"I still can't speak Chinese but I can still understand whenever you talk crap you old bag of bones!" Insulted Your grandfather while walking in.

"Grandpa!" You greeted him with a hug.

"H-Hey Y/n" Waved your boyfriend from behind him.

"Cinnabon!" You greeted him with a hug and a kiss, "Oh, did you get my text?"

"Yeah, we were already at the store when you messaged me..." He smiled while handing you the alcohol they brought.

Your grandmother immediately took it and searched through what brands they bought, "What is this weak shit!?"

"Grand-gran!" You chastised.

"You could have just bought water if you were that cheap!"

"Grand-gran, behave!" You glared.

"*sigh* thank you for coming..." She spoke in English begrudgingly.

"W-What was she saying before?" Asked Midoriya nervously. He always knew your grandmother never liked him all that much, "Did I do something wrong?"

"Nah she's just being her stubborn self, had a stick up her ass since we married..." Grumbled your grandfather in annoyance.

"Cause you put it there! You dumbass!" She yelled back.

"Aye!" You yelled in frustration, "Both of you, enough! you will behave tonight and have a good time cause I put too much effort into this party for you two to be bickering like children the whole night!"

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