Caught kissing😘💋

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Please ignore the fact that this was recently unpublished and that this is the first time I'm posting this scenario...ok?😅...

Izuku Midoriya

He's been reading a lot of self-help books on how to be more assertive. He wanted to build his confidence, especially around you. Getting tired of being too nervous to even kiss you made him a bit frustrated, Midoriya wanted to show you just how much he loved you more physically.

He started small, holding your hand more often, gave you hugs every chance he got, and he even gave you little kisses on the forehead now and then but he still wanted to do more.

"Oh my gosh!" you gawked, "is this the limited edition All Might action figure!?" you gushed at the collector's item through the display case.

"Haha- Yeah... I waited 11 hours just to get it." he blushed.

You weren't as big of an All Might fan as your boyfriend, you grew up with the #1 hero your whole life, he was like an uncle to you. However, you still admired the hero and your boyfriend's obsession with him.

"You're such a fanboy!" You teased and kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, haha, I guess your right..." he laughed nervously, not because he was embarrassed about your light teasing but because of how cute you looked.

You had on a mid-thigh length skirt and one of his hoodies but that's not the main thing that drew you to him. It was your lips. You didn't do anything special to them, you may have put on a thin layer of lipgloss or flavored/scented chapstick but that was about it. So why was he looking at you as of he wanted to pounce on you.

"Huh?" Either way, something subconscious in him walked over to you and wrapped his arm around your waist, "You ok Cinnabon?" You blushed at how close you were.

"Yeah..." He gave a faint response and just looked into your eyes.

He appeared dazed but determined to go through with whatever it is he had planned.

"C-Cinnabon-" His lips connected with yours quite awkwardly.

At first, he just mushed his lips with yours, he was very inexperienced but my the advice of the various methods research he's done (*cough* All Might and a few Google searches *cough*) but then he slowly began to get the hang of it.

"W-Whoa...mmm..." You were surprised by his technique and how good of a kisser he was.

You were always the one to initiate kisses, and even then it was only small kisses like pecks on the cheek, it had never been this passionate before.

'Oh wow...he's really good...' You thought to yourself as he deepened the kiss.

It was weird having him lead in a kiss but it was actually pretty nice to just melt into it and let him take over. He was definitely nervous but you sure as hell couldn't tell at this point; you were too in the moment to notice or care.

You wanted to stay like this forever but the mood was quickly ruined by Midoriya's blunder of not locking his bedroom door.

"Hello, young Midoriya! I- Oh..." All Might walked into a very awkward situation.

"A-All Might!?" Blushed Midoriya in shock, nearly tripping over himself in his spastic reaction.

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked..." He laughed awkwardly.

"Oh no!" Gasped Inko from beside the retired hero, "He's been talking about kissing Y/n for weeks and we ruined it!" She cried, "I'm so sorry baby!"

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