You Go to A Wedding

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Another filler this week while I try to get ready for school and plan out the next coming scenarios. 

Katsuki Bakugo

"This sucks ass..." Growled Bakugo sitting angrily at the reception of your oldest brother's wedding. 

"Come on Bakugo, try to have some fun!" You laughed a bit tipsy, some of your older cousins snuck you some liquor and you were having th time of your life, but bakugo wasn't, he found weddings annoying, mainly because he had to wear a suit.

"Sit your little happy ass down and lay off the booze you drunk!" He yelled while dragging your arm to force you to sit beside him.  

"Alright Alright Alright!" Cheered B/3 while drunkenly holding B/4 who was equally drunk. 

"Gather round everyone its time for Tirar la Liga!" He shouted and everyone cheered. 

"Ta-la what?" Asked an annoyed Bakugo, "The hell is that?"

"Tirar la Liga..." you corrected, "Its a wedding tradition, its kind of like the male version of the bride throwing the bouquet." You explained, "The groom takes and bride's garter  and throws it into the crowd, the guy that catches it gets laid."  

"Bakugo come on man!" Called B/4 wanting him to play.

"Yeah yeah..." he sighed gettign up. 

"Whoa, whoa, where are you going?" you asked soberign up real quick. 

"To play the game, duh." He rolled his eyes. 

"No the hell your not, sit back down, you ain't playing shit." You glared causing him to smirk.

"I thought you told me to have fun..." His smirk widened when he saw your glare deepen.  

"Listen where you buzz killing bastard, if your fingers even graze that garter I'll kill you." You threatened to which he just scoffed and pulled away from you. 

"Whatever..." He left to go play the game and actually won pissing off you and your brothers. 

Ha! suck it nerds!" He gloated then walked over o you and picked you up. 

"The hell do you think your doing!?" You thrashed around as he threw you over his shoulders. 

"Claiming my prize, what does it look like?" He laughed meniacally then running out off the reception. 

Shoto Todoroki

"I hate it here..." sat Todoroki completely drained from the ceremony. 

You had just come from your cousin's wedding and were now attending the photoshoot before the reception. Since you were apart of te bridal party you had to constantly help out with the even and assist your cousin with posing and looking good. Thi sleft todoroki alone and bored with you family. 

"I know Shoto-kun but just wait a little while more, here," You handed him a small snack he packed for just this occasion and he hungrilly took it. 

"When can we go to the reception?" He asked like a neglected todler. 

"Aw Shoo-kun," You siged sadly that you haven't been able to spend time with him, "We're just gonna be a few more minutes and then we can go, ok?" You asked reassuringly. 

"Yeah ok..." He nodded then you gave him a quick kiss o the cheek and ran off because the photorofer needed you to hely your cousin fix her dress. 

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