Villians Pt. 2

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*The forgiveness scenario is taking a lot longer than I intended (I'm over 8000 words in and I'm still not finished o_o)so before I go three full weeks without's a scenario no one asked for.* 

You're getting awfully too used to this new way of life...

Izuku Mydoriya

*Serial killer*

The night was quieter than usual. You feared making noise so much so that you heald your breath as you left the bed where your husband slept calmly. This was the only time he looked like his old self, it almost made you regret what you were about to do...almost.

Quickly rushing towards your closet, you pulled out your backpack you had kept hidden for a while. With no time to change out of your pajamas you simply just searched the room for his car keys. It was the only way you could leave quickly and without getting lost in the forest. 

As soon as you found them, however, "Darling?" Mydoriya woke up.

"What are you doing up sweetie?" He asked innocently. 

"I...I was just...going to get some water..." You lied taking a few steps to the door. 

"With a backpack?" He asked tilting his head disturbingly, "And my keys?"

"I...can't do this anymore..." You admitted.

"Y/ know I love you right?" He asked sitting at the edge of the bed to better look at you. 

"I'll do anything for you...I'll get better...go to counseling, I'll change for you...because I love you...just please don't leave me..." He pleaded tearing up. 

"That's...not enough." But you knew all too well it was a lie. "You've said this many times before, first were self-defense, then there were 'accidents' and now your not even giving an know you have a problem and refuse to fix it."

"So...your just going to leave me?" He asked heartbrokenly, but then-


You flinched at his sudden outburst in anger. He'd never done that to you before. 

"Ha...haha..." He chuckled seeing your reaction then stood up, " wanna leave..." and walked towards the balcony opening the doors "Then that's the only way I'll allow you to go..." He glared pointing to the balcony doors now flung open. You were on the second floor so you'd most likely be injured in the best case scenario and dead in the worst.

"COME ON!" You flinched once again,  "go on then..." He stepped out of the way to give you a clearer path.

"Midori-AH!" You screamed as he suddenly grabbed you and started dragging you out through the balcony.

"What's the matter, darling!? You scared!?" He asked psychotically, "Don't worry, I'll go with you!"

"Mydoriya please!" You pleaded to hold onto the door frame as he tried pulling you. 

"We'll go together!" He reassured. 

"Please calm down this is crazy!" Your eyes widened in fear, he's truly gone off the deep end. "Wait please!" Your grip loosened and he finally pulled you off the door frame. 

"We'll be forever lovers! For all eternity!" 

"I'LL STAY!" You cried.

"What was that honey?" He stopped showing a bright smile.

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