He Defends You 🤜

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I'm supposed to be cleaning but here I am😭

Izuku Midoriya

Believe it or not, you're not exactly popular in school. You were a whole year younger than your classmates and you got in by recommendation; a child prodigy who got a leg up from her high ranking family (Gran Torino and All Might). This surprisingly did not exactly give you a leg up amongst your classmates.

As a class 2A student, you ranked in the top 3 of your class. This lead to a-lot of jealousy. Due to your isolated upbringing you had trouble making friends. Even with your overly nice persona, your classmates only seemed to resent you even more.

They often bullied you and sometimes you wouldn't even know it.

"Hey Y/n wait up..." Midoriya quickly ran up behind you and took off your 'kick me' sign.

"Who would put this on you!?" He asked worryingly.

"Huh? Oh haha, it's ok Cinnabon..." you shrugged seemingly unbothered, "it's just a little joke me and my friends play, good one guys!" You waved at some of your classmates across the hall who snickered and left.

"That's bullying y/n friends don't put each other in harms way..." he explained while removing a paper plane from your hair.

"It's just jokes Cinnabon, it's ok..." you smiled.

"No it's not Y/n!" He cried, "I don't like seeing people take advantage you, promise me you'll come to me the next time this happens, ok?" He brushed your hair back so he could see your face.

"A-Alright Cinnabon..." you blushed.

-That same day-

At lunch you met with Deku and he was mortified. You were covered in paints and powders.

"HAHA!" Laughed Bakugo so Midoriya pulled his chair from under him then went to attend to you.

"What happened!?" He gasped while trying to dust you off while Kirishima tried calming Bakugo down.

"They caught me off guard, my bad," you laughed awkwardly.

Normally you could anticipate most people's movements with your quirk. But in school, you usually wear your headphones, blocking out all sounds, making you essentially deaf and an even easier target to bully.

"I guess I just gotta be more alert Huh?" You chuckled.

"Who did this?" He looked at you seriously.

"C-Cinnabon it's no big deal, honest." You reassured but that wasn't good enough for him.

"It is to me y/n!" He exclaimed, "I can't just let this slide."


"Look, I'll take you to the nurse to go get cleaned up and then we'll go report the students that did this..." he took your hand and took you out, however as soon as you turned his hand came in front of you and caught a ballon full of paint powder.

"Wha-" you gasped in shock and turned to note your boyfriend's expression to see if it matched your own; it did not.

His was full of anger.

He was seething and almost shaking with anger. You saw his arm exert a flash of lightning and that's when you realized he activated his quirk.

"GRAAA!" He threw the balloon back to the person that caught it. Coating them and the rest of your classmates who were closing you in the powder.

"AH!" They cried.

"APOLOGIZE!" He glared at them, "right now! Apologize to my girlfriend or that's not the only thing getting thrown!" Deku threatened.

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