Baby Kicks

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Izuku Midoriya

"Oh! I can feel her kick!" you gushed.

"Oh my gosh! No way!" Immediately, your husband rushed in to feel your stomach.

He was ecstatic when you told him you were pregnant. He did everything he could to help you through your journey, but there was someone even more excited than him.

"Ooh lemme see! Lemme see!" Inko came rushing past her son to get to you.

"Ah!" cried Midoriya as he was cartoonishly blown away be his mother's enthusiasm.

"Ooh sooo cute!" she gushed while feeling your belly, "shes ready to pop huh Izuku? Izuku?" she turned to see her son still staying to balance himself.

"Uh huh..." once he regained stability he went to see his baby kicking in your belly.

"Oh how cute!" he smiled, "wait, but does it hurt y/n?" he gasped worryingly.

"Sometimes but not now, she's just a bit fussy right now..." you giggled while crawling your belly.

"I understand, Izuku was the same." gushed Inko, "he was so ready to get out I had him a few weeks before the due date..."

"Mooom..." he blushed.

"Oh and he had this adorable smile on his face!" she teared up at the memory, "He was so happy that day, I couldn't stop crying from how-how- how happy I was!" she began crying.

"Oh mom please don't cry! you've been an amazing mom to me!" now Izuku started crying.

With their forces combined, the mother and sin began flooding the apartment with their tears.

"So it really is genetic..." you watched in intrigue.

"You better not be a cryer too..." you warned your tummy, "cause imma need some backup..." you whined while floating on a mattress.

Mini bonus:

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Midori ya you now have a healthy girl!" announced the doctor.

"Haha..." the baby smiled in Izuku's arms.

"SHES SOO BEAUTIFUL!" cried the Inko and Izuku.

"Why couldn't you get knocked up by a normal family?" Asked gran-gran in concern at how many tears the two could produce.

Katsuki Bakugo

"Agh! What the hell you piece of crap!" Grumbled Bakugo after being kicked in his unmentionables from your baby.

"Will you calmn down?" You yawned while trying to sleep. "Can you at least wait to threaten your son when he's actually born..."

"That little brat knew what he was doing! He does this every time!" He glared at your stomach.

This happened almost everytime he tried getting close to you,especially in bed. Whenever Bakugo tried cuddling with you your baby would always kick and get fussy in your stomach. You thought it was adorable but he got annoyed every time.

"He hates me!"

"Aw come on Bakugo have you ever stop to think that maybe he just wants to be with you?" You giggled at his stubbornness, "he wants out so he can see us..." you rubbed your stomach to calm the kicks, "he's impatient like his daddy..."

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