Waking Up Next to Him

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Waking Up Next to Him

Izuku Midoriya

*Hope you like pancakes*

Your awoke to the warm aroma of waffles. You sniffed the air to make sure they were your beloved breakfast pastries.

"Waffles?" you sat up in bed then realized you weren't at home but that didn't bother you, what bothered you was that your beloved pancakes were not being digested by your stomach acids a this very moment.

You sniffed the air one last time to make sure that you were not mistaken, "Waffles?"

"Close." Smiled Midoriya walking in with a tray of breakfast. "Pancakes." He laughed nervously.

"Homemade!?" you went bug eyed as you took your first bite and was completely overwhelmed by its deliciousness.

"Y-Yeah, my mom left early to go to the flea market so I thought I'd make you some breakfast after what you did for me yesterday." You froze trying to remember what he was talking about but then blushed interpreting his words in a very wrong way.

"I meant taking care of me!" He tried clearing it up but it only made you seem to burn brighter

"I-I mean being a good girlfriend!"

"Why does everything you say sound sexual!?" You blushed.

"At this point I think this is my actual quirk." He blushed trying to make light of his embarrassing situation.

"Oh you adorkable cinnamon roll, thanks for the pancakes, this was really sw-sw-swee-A-Cho!" You sneezed frightening poor Midoriya.

"I'm so sorry!" The rest of the day was spent in his bed while he took care of you while ate pancakes all day.

Katsuki Bakugou

"Morning dorks." Yawned your brother B/3

"Screw off turd" Snarled B/2

"Geez what's gotten in your ass?" He joked taking his plate and began eating his invisible breakfast. T took him a couple of bites to figure out he wasn't eating anything.

"Why aren't there any eggs on my plate?" Asked B/3 with a scowl on his facing matching the rest of his brothers.

"Y/n hasn't woken up yet dumb ass." Grumbled B/1, usually the level headed one in the family was upset over not having his coffee. Everyone functioned off of you for breakfast, before that all hell would break loose, your breakfast was what kept them from killing each other.

"Ever since she caught the cold she thinks that she can just skip breakfast." B/4 rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That's it I'm going up there and waking her ass up." Growled B/3 as he stomped upstairs to your room.

"Hey fat ass, get the molasses outta your ass and get outta be-AHHH!" he barged in pulling your sheets off.

"I thought you were the only girl in the house." Grumbled Bakugou hugging you tighter for warmth after the sheets were just dragged off of the two of you.

"I am, that's just B/3 being his bitchy self." You sighed snuggling up closer to him ignoring your brother's complaints for breakfast. You were willing to stay there until forever but then he said those famous words, the only thing that could strike fear in the hearts of anyone in your family.

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