Meeting Your Ex (Finished)

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Izuku Midoriya

"Hey Grand Torino!" Smiled Midoriya walking in his house.

"Midoriya! What are you doing here?" He asked a bit surprised.

"I'm here to take Y/n out," he said ready to take you on your date.

"Huh? but I thought that wasn't until tonight?" It was noon.

"Yeah but there's this event going on in town today and I was hoping we could go before our actual date." H blushed. 

"Oh well that's sweet kiddo, but she isn't here." He said solemnly.

"Huh? really?" he asked in disappointment.

"Yeah, she and her friend went out."

"She has friends?" That came out so wrong and he knew it. "I-I didn't-"

"Hahaha, its ok kiddo, I knew what you meant, but yeah, she left with him about an hour ago." Said Grand Torino.


"And it turns out, she was actually in her pajamas the whole time!" Laughed the boy sitting in front of you and you joined him.

"Oh my gosh, that's so embarrassing!" You laughed.

Midoriya watched silently as you two ate lunch. Grand Torino had told him about you going out with your ex but 

"Nobody wanted to tell her cause we all thought she knew!" He continued, "Oh hey you've got something on your cheek, I got it." He said taking up a napkin and just as he was about to touch your face he popped out of nowhere.

"Hey there y/n!" He smiled hugging you, getting in between you and your ex. 

"Oh, hey Midoriy-" You froze as he pecked your cheek causing you to blush at his assertiveness. 

"Oh wow, that's new..." You were always the one to kiss him. "but I like it, oh, this is (Ex's name) we used to go out know, it's not important, come join us!" You smiled pulling up a chair for him.

"Thanks..." He took it all while eyeing your ex. 

"So you're the new replacement huh?" Joked your ex and when Midoriya didn't laugh he continued, ", well, we were just talking about an old friend of our's birthday party."

"That's cute..." He said not looking away from your ex making him uncomfortable, "Me and y/n ave stories about our friends too," He then turned to you, "so his stories cant be that funny..."

Feeling uncomfortable yourself, you quickly got up, "Ok! why don't I go order you a lemonade?" You quickly tried leaving, "it'll give you guys some...time to talk." You gave them a thumbs up then left. 

A few seconds passed then Midoriya then went on the offensive, "So...what were you guys really talking about?"

"Huh?" He asked a bit confused. 

"Look, I know y/n and she wouldn't have come to see you, she never even mentioned you?" Truth be told you never mentioned your e around him. 

"She didn't? Well, I guess that's expected." He laughed a bit nervously. 

"Probably didn't want to talk about her past mistakes..." He muttered.



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