Soulmates AU

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*Requested by MinCiel94*

Katsuki Bakugo

You were on your way home back from military school. You were tired and lethargic, you had barely even noticed the thug that stole your backpack. 

"Wha-hey!" You called but before you were able to chase him down you noticed a glow on your hand. 

"What the-" 

"Move it, dork!" Shouted a guy running past you and caught the mugger. 

"Damn your stupid..." He growled walking back up to you and handing you back your backpack, "Arent you military brats supposed to be super alert?" He raised an eyebrow mockingly.

"I-he came out of nowhere you jackass!" You grabbed your bag from him aggressively, "and besides I'm still a cadet!"

"The phrase is thank you!" He growled angrily, "Don't they teach you manners!?"

"I don't need to say anything to a U.A bitch!" You yelled back, "Besides I would have caught him if it weren't for this stupid glow on my wrist!" You defended pulling up our wrist, showing an illuminated name on your wrist. 

"Psh, I pity the sad son of a bitch that has to put up with your-CRAP!" He seemed even angrier once he saw the name on your wrist. 

"What?" You asked annoyed at him, "What are you y-AH!" You screamed in horror once he lifted his sleeve to reveal a similar glowing light on his wrist but this time the name on his arm was yours. 

You two looked at each other in utter disdain and disgust. You were each other's soulmates!?

"What the hell!?" He cried, "My soulmate's a weak Army brat!?"

"There's no way a hot-headed U.A quirk using jerk off is my soulmate!" you panicked, "Whats father going to say! Oh my gosh hell be so disappointed!" You started to think out loud, "B/1's gonna disown me, B/2 will never talk to me again, and B/3 and B/4 are gonna clown me into an early grave!" 

"can we focus on the main and biggest issue here!?" Called Bakugo, "The future number 1 pro hero is matched with an I'm matched with a quirkless brain-dead military dog!" He panicked, "MY reputation is ruined!"

"how is being associated with me a negative!?" You glared, "And who the hell are you calling quirkless you useless sack of crap!" 

"Who you calling useless you hag-"

"Look-" you cut him off, "The longer we stay together the closer we become, so to save both of us that kind of torture, let's just pretend this whole first meeting never happened?" You theorized.

"You honestly think that'll work?" He asked skeptically. 

"No one's will power as strong as mine damn it so it'll work." You smirked in determination, "we just kind of have to keep our distances, its bad our schools are so close, but if we work out some type of alternative routes we won't see each other on our commutes," in all honesty, you looked kind of cute with that type of resolve in your eyes, so it was no surprise that Bakugo had to quickly look away from your gaze to hide his little blush.

"Just stay outta my way you army brat, do that and we won't have any problems..." He tried to look back at you but then he quickly looked away again, confusing you. 

"Normally any U.A trash that talks to me like that gets knocked into next week but I can't help but agree with you on that." You nodded.  

"Good..." He grumbled turning around to leave, "quit being so dumb and stay more alert on the streets."

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