Pregnant!? Pt. 2🤰

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A/N: I'm still working on the requested scenarios so you'll probably see an update sometime this weekend so please don't think I forgot about y'all! 😭

Izuku Midoriya
Italics = Mandarin Chinese

"Huh...didn't think you had it in you kid..." Shrugged Grand Torino nonchalantly but he was way more accepting than your grandmother.

"Nooooo!" Cried your grandmother.

"Aw don't worry grandma L/n, I'll take good care of Y/n and our baby, and we'll make sure to bring them over for play dates..." Midoriya reassured.

"That's not what she's worried about Cinnabon..." You sighed, annoyed at your overdramatic grandmother, "she's just being childish."

"You had options!" She whined, "and you chose the broccoli-headed nerd that has a death wish like your idiot grandfather?!"

"Uh...what did she say?" Midoriya couldn't speak Mandarin so he was always confused about what your grandmother said about him.

"I said you are a dumb nerd!" Your grandmother spoke out in English to insult him personally.

"Huh?" He whimpered in shock, "...but...that doesn't make any can I be dumb and a nerd-"

"Shut up dork!" She yelled in annoyance.

"Gran-gran!" You glared.

"Don't you gran-gran me you idiot!" She shut you up, "haven't I taught you anything!? Don't fall for the dorks! That's how I got stuck with your dumbass grandfather!"

"I heard that you old bag of bones!" Shouted Grand Torino.

He couldn't speak much Mandarin either but being with your grandmother for so many years made him acutely aware of whenever she talked crap about him.

"Y/n, Midoriya, don't listen to that bitter old bat, you two are young and in love... and that's all that matters right now..." he encouraged.

"Aw thanks grand Torino!" Smiled Midoriya.

"-until you get older and regret EVERYTHING!"your grandmother finished. " and you get so annoyed with them that the only thing that matters is that you outlive them!"

"-And money!" Added your grandmother.

Which prompted the two to argue again.

"...uh....well...." All Might spoke up awkwardly and cleared his throat to ease the tension a bit (spoiler alert: it didn't work), "I think young Midoriya and young Y/n would make great parents...congratulations to you both."

"Shut it you overgrown skeleton!" Your grandmother insulted, "You've been single your whole life so how would you know?!"

"Yes mam...sorry mam..." Sulked alright as if he was a child and not a 50+ year old grown man.

"A-All Might speaks Mandarin!?" Midoriya appeared surprised.

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