Wedding Dress

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Here's a different, safer filler cause "Fight! Fight Fight!" is taking a while😣

You try on a Wedding dress.

Izuku Midoriya

"Where do you want thee old DVD's Mrs. Midoriya?" You asked while scarring the box out from the storage and into the living room.

"Oh, bring them here Y/n!" She smiled appreciatively.

You had come over to help out with her spring cleaning since your boyfriend was out on an internship for school.

"These are Izuku's baby videoes!" She gushed, "Oh, and this one's of my little Izuku in the bathtub!"

"Aw, he must have been such a cute baby..." You smiled after seeing Inko so happy.

"Oh he was, but the first few months were a dewsy..." She laughed.

"Cinnabon was a little trouble maker?"

"Oh yeah, he had lots of complications when I was pregnant..." She pulled out a picture of her in a wedding dress, "I was around 6 months in this photo but you could barely tell cause Izukiu was so tiny..." She sighed recalling the memory.

"You looked so beautiful in that dress Mrs. Midoriya..." You gushed.

"Oh thank you dear, but that was almost 18 years ago, I could never first in it now..." She laughed, "Come to think of it, you look about my size..." she eyed you up and down then an idea came to her mind.

She pulled out her old dress from one of the many boxes that littered the apartment, she then handed it to you.

"Here, try this on!"

"Huh, but Mrs. Midoriya!" You tried protesting but she already pushed you into the bathroom to get changed.

"Oh come on It'll be fun!" She smiled while helping you get changed.

_One awkward dress change later_

"Oh, Y/n you look amazing!" She clapped.

"Thanks, Mrs. Midoriya but don't you think it's a bit too soon for me to be trying on wedding dresses?" You laughed nervously.

"Haha, I don't know Y/n, my little Izuku is becoming more and more ready by the days, so you might have a proposal coming in the future..." She teased.

"What!?" You went bug-eyed.

"Hey, mom, I'm home early from-" Midoriya walked in to greet his mother but was faced with you in a wedding dress.

"H-Hey Cinnabon?"

"Huh!?" He snapped out of his state of shock to acknowledge you, "H-hey y/n...c-could you gimme a sec?" He laughed nervously then grabbed his mom by the hand and took her to the kitchen.

"Mom why did you put her in that dress!?" He cried.

"I thought it would be cute honey." She smiled, "Besides you've been talking about marrying Y/n since you two first got together."

"Yeah, but I wasn't planning on actually proposing for two more years!" He whisper-yelled. "I still haven't even paid off the ring yet!"

Either he was stupid or didn't remember your hearing quirk but you overheard the whole thing.

"Oh honey I'm sorry, it's ok though, I know you and Y/n will be perfect for each other," She encouraged which caused you to blush, "then after your married, you'll give me a bunch of grandbabies!" Hearing this caused you to faint causing a loud thud that the mother and son overheard.

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