You Cook for Him

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Fairy Tale AU

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Seeing Him Naked

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Katsuki Bakugo

"Hey, could you try this out? I'm trying a new dish, tell me what you think." You had just finished preparing some tempura for the first time and you wanted your brothers to try them out first. B/3 and B/4 were in class so B/1 and B/2 were the only ones home to taste them.

"Yeah, sure sis." Shrugged B/2 taking one.

"Of course Y/n." Said B/1 putting down his book and trying one.

They both made an unusual face which frightened you. " how is it?"

"UGH! What the hell!? You trying to kill us or something!?" Choked B/2 at how spicy it was.

"N-No, I just wanted to try to make tempura..." You blushed in embarrassment at how much he was choking.

"Wha the hell you making Japanese food for anyways?"

Valid question, your family new you sucked ass at cooking Japanese dishes, you were better at American and Latin foods, but you wanted to make some Tempura today as a snack for Bakugo.

"Bakugo hasn't been feeling well recently, I think he's still upset he has to go to remedial classes cause he failed the hero licensing exam...I wanted to make something for him to make him feel better..." You blushed, "Is it that bad?"

Once they saw your upset face, B/1 quickly chopped B/2 in the head with his book and spoke up, "Of course not Y/n, it was very delicious for your first try, just follow the recipe a bit more carefully next time." He reassured.

Your oldest brother was the most caring out of your family when it came to your feelings, whenever your brothers were bullying you, he would always step in to protect you.

"So I should go easy on the spice?" You asked while watching B/2 rushing to the sink and put his mouth on the faucet to get as much water as possible.

"It would be best to hold back a bit." He advised then calmly walked to the fridge and poured himself a large cup of water, then chugged the whole thing down in a matter of seconds, he drank 4 more cups after that and you threw the rest of the tempura out.

After 3 hours and 4 more failed batches later and you were finally finished.

"Oh shit I'm gonna be late." you checked your phone and saw that Bakugo's extra classes were going to be over soon, so you quickly packed up the food and rushed to school.

You didn't have time for your brothers to taste them again but frankly, you didn't want to torture them anymore, you just had to pray this batch was at least edible.

You made it just in time, Bakugo had already changed back into his uniform and was heading to his dorms.

"Hey, Bakugo!" You stopped him just as he was about to enter the dorm hall.

"The hell are you still doing on campus man hands?" He growled, he was clearly tired.

"I wanted " You lived off-campus ordered by your father, he didn't trust the school to keep you safe, so you stayed home with your brothers.

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