You See Him Naked

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*Requested by: dorenquinlyxzylla313*

Up Next (In no particular order):

Villians AU Pt. 7 (?) *Requested*

Fairy Tale AU

You hang Out with His Family/Friends

*Requests are still open (Via DM)*


Katsuki Bakugo

"Here's your ramen..." You walked in his room placing the bowl next to his bed on the night stand, "Now do you wanna explain to me how you got sick?"

"Its none of your goddamn business!-*A-CHOO*" He tried yelling but ended up in fit of sneezing causing mini-explosions from his constant sweating. 

"His dumbass decided to go jogging in the rain!" Shouted his mother from downstairs. 

"Shut up!" He growled. 

"Or else what!?" She challenged back, "You gonna get up and fight me!?"

"..." He could only grumble, he was so sick and bedridden that he didnt have the strength to even argue with his mother. 

"Ha! Didnt think so you little punk!"

"Come up here you hag!" He challened and forced himself to sit up in his bed but ended up in a coughing fit. 

"Stop it Bakugo." You pushed him to lean back on the head boared then went for the soup. 

"Hush up and eat." You ordered holding the chopsticks full of noodles to his mouth.

"I'm not a baby!" He shouted as he tried to fright you to feed himself. 

"You're my baby." You specified, "now sit down, hush up, and eat." You held up the noodles to his mouth, this time more forcefully. 

He accepted it begrudgingly.

"Aw see, that wasn't so hard." You gushed watching his full cheeks blush in embarrassment.

"Shut up..." He mumbled while eating.

After finishing the ramen you made, you noticed that he was sweating more profusely than usual. So you felt his forehead, "oh man, your burning up..." you said worryingly. 

"Yeah no shit shirlock." He ad nearly sweat through his shirt so you went to his closet for a change of clothes. 



"Did I stutter?" You raised an eyebrow walking out of his closet, "Take off your clothes and hop in he shower, your sweating like crazy and I'm not about to let you blow up your room." 

"I do what I damn well please in my room!" He shouted while getting out of bed and walking to his bathroom. he was so sickly that he could barely walk, though he still made it to the bathroom, refusing your help. 

"How do you even have the engergy to argue with me!?" You grumbled, "Just get in the goddamn tub and be careful!" you shouted ouside his door. 

"Shut the fu-" You heard tumbling from insde so you quickly went in and saw everything. 

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