Parenting Woes

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His influence on your kids...

Katsuki Bakugo


(Lol this one's kinda toxic XD)

"Hey bro, could you pass the fucking salt?" Asked D/n as you all sat around the dinner table. 

"Excuse me?" You asked offended by her language. 

"What?" She shrugged so you looked to your husband for some backup. 

"We don't use that kind of motherfucking language in this goddamn household brat." He chastised. 

"Wha-Katsuki!" You reprimanded. 

"What!?" He shrugged the same as your daughter, "I told her to cut that shit out, what else do you want?" 

"She's not supposed to be cursing and you're not supposed to be enabling her!" You growled. 

"I say what I want to cause I'm a grown ass man, she can't say shit cause she's a kid!" he defended. 

"Your kid!" you emphasized, "and she looks up to you the most so act right around her!"

"What do you want me to do she's half you!" He accused, "Shes got your hardheadedness!"

"Oh, hell no you're not gonna pin this on me!" You glared, "You soo him..." You pointed to your son silently eating dinner, while absentmindedly scrolling through his phone, "that one's definitely mine cause he knows how to act right, but that one right there..." He pointed to your daughter, "is all you!" 

"That twerp swears like a sailor when you're not around!" He pointed accusingly towards your son. 

"Hey keep me outta this I'm just here for the food..." He held his hands up letting you two know he wanted no part in your usual dinner-time arguments, "no need to pull me into dad's mess up..." He didn't even look up from his phone and continued to eat. 

"I thought we agreed on no phones at the table!" Growled your husband. 

"Don't try and change the subject!" You yelled, "stop being so aggressive around our kids!" 

"Glasshouses manhands!" He insulted and reinstated the time you and your daughter got in a physical fight last week. 

"She wouldn't clean her room!" You defended. 

"So you decided to throw her down the stairs!?" He accused. 

"Don't you dare you barbarian, remember the time you broke S/n's arm!?" You glared. 

"He started it!" He accused, "he's been trying my ass the minute he popped outta you!"

"He wanted to train with you and you took it too far you egotistical jackass!" 

"He's my son you think imma hold back on him!?" 

"But you let D/n run around and say ad do whatever the hell she wants!" 

"Well, you coddle S/n too much!" 

"Ok-ok we get it you both suck at parenting, can I go now?" Asked your daughter annoyance, finishing her dinner. 

"Stay your ass here!" you glared. 

"Don't talk to her that way!" 

"Or what pop rocks!?" 

you two continued arguing while your daughter sat there annoyed. She got a text on her phone from her brother asking if she wants to sneak away from the table and she nodded silently. So the two of them slowly slipped down under the table and crawled away all while the two of you argued the rest of the night. 

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