Annoying Things He Does

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Katsuki Bakugo

His Sweat

"Hey, dorks I'm home-" You walked into your house only to see three of your brothers in nothing but their underwear. 

"Are you serious?" You asked in annoyance. 

"Hey, it's your week to do the laundry" Shrugged B/4 on the couch as he comfortable played videogames.

"It's my week EVERY week you lazy asses!" You shouted and threw Bakugo's duffle bag at him. 

"Ow!" He cried, "the hell is in this!?"

"Bakugo's hero costume," You rolled your eyes and went to get the bag back, "I promised him I'd clean it after I lost a bet..." You grumbled. 

"Haha!" Laughed B/3. 

"It's not funny, do you have any idea how much that boy sweats!?" You cried, "Nitroglycerine is impossible to wash out!"

"Oh my God...I don't care..." Smiled B/3.

You flipped him off then went to the laundry room. "Oh god..." You whimpered once you smelt all your brother's dirty clothes. Before you went in, you opened Bakugo's bag and took a whiff. 

"Oh wow..." Though Bakugo sweats as much as a sinner in church, his sweat smelt really sweet, much like caramel.

It was your only defense against your brother's stench so you had to use one of his shirts as a mask. Taking a few more deep breaths of fresh air, you dived into the laundry room.

*Spongebob narrator voice*: Five hours later

"*HEAVE!*" You breathed while crawling out of the laundry room, "AHHH!" You gave a victory screech. 

It took a few hours but you finally finished everyone's laundry. Your brother's clothes were easy, it was your pig of a boyfriend.

"Finally...done..." You huffed as you crawled your way to your room, "Nobody bother me! I need to soak in the tub for like 3 days..."

"ugh I feel so disgusting..." You graned. You were using Bakugo's clothes as masks while you were in there and felt gross afterward since all his clothes were covered in his sweat. 

"I need to shower in bleach-What the!" You growled after walking into your bathroom and seeing Bakugo taking off his clothes. 

"What are you doing in my bathroom!?" You growled, "and why are there more of your filthy clothes in here!?" You freaked out having PTSD. 

"You missed a few..." He tossed you his shirt that he just took off. 

"AH!" You cried throwing it off of you, "What the hell dude!? I just got done with laundry, get out I need a shower!"

"Butt out, I got here first and I just got back from the gym..." He rolled his eyes and unbuckled his pants. 

"Wha-I - this is my house!" You argued. 

"Aw that's cute, you think n give a damn!" He laughed then hugged you. 

"Wha-ew! You so gross and sticky!" He covered you in more of his sweat then pushed you out of your own bathroom and slammed the door. 

"Y-You slimy little...B/1!!!" You cried in a whiney tone, "Bakugo's naked in my bathroom and touched me!"

Seconds later your oldest brother had run in and kicked open your bathroom door. 

You ended up having a lovely and relaxing bath.

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