Sandwich! 🥪

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Oh look at that...I've exceeded my chapter publishing limit...WELP time to start a pointless filler and delete some older chapters!😁

Prompt: "Hey! Make me a sandwich!"

Izuku Midoriya

"..." you didn't say anything, you just gave him a blank look.

He was prompted by Bakugo to be more assertive. It wasn't working out so well for him cause now he was a nervous sweating mess.

Your thoughts were spiraling in confusion and concern but your face was twisted in anger, as if saying 'boy you know better than to talk to me like that.'

"O-Or I could make it myself! It's fine I dont wanna bother you!" he quickly cracked. "Y-you want anything?"

"Yeah... (favorite chips/snack)." you requested.

"Got it! Be right back love!" he fearfully kissed your cheek, "did I mention I love you?" he smiled then ran off to the kitchen.

"...what just happened?" you tried processing everything.

Mini bonus

You went home that day and told your grandmother that happened.

"Your better than me," she calmly sipped her tea, "I would have slapped the soul out of him.

"Glad to know you calmned down over the years, cause you would have stabbed me..." grumbled your grandfather at his ex-wife's comment.

Katsuki Bakugo


You were relaxing on the couch when Bakugo came in from the bathroom after his shower demanding food.

"Who the fuck-" You turn and see him in nothing but a towel, he was also soaking wet, "Chicken, ham or turkey?" you drooled mindlessly.

"Neither, I want pambazos, with whatever the hell that spicy red sauce is..." he demanded.

"Y-Yes sir..." your nose bled as you staggered to the kitchen in a dazed state.

"Good." he smirked at your submission and left to go put his clothes on in your room.

A few minutes after he left and while you were buttering the bread you froze in realization, "...wait a damn minute!"

You came to your senses and took the knife you were using to spread the butter with you to your room.

Shoto Todoroki

"...Shoto-kun...why are you being so mean to me!?" you immediately burst out into tears.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Y/n!" he immediately got frantic and started to profusely apologize.

"You're such a meanie!" you cried even harder.

"O-ok ok how bout we go out to eat instead! My treat!" he offered while holding up his Dad's credit card, "I'll even buy you that (favorite dessert) you like so much!"

"R-Really?" you sniffled.

"Of course, I'll do anything for you!" he promised.

"Ok!" You beamed as if you weren't just crying your eyes out, "yay let's go!" you skipped away, face running with mascara but had a big bright smile plastered on it.

"...she did not need much..." Fuyumi noted in utter disbelief at what her and her younger brothers just witnessed. "...she just switched it on a dime...holy cow that's terrifying!"

"...whatever therapist she has needs to be fired..." said Natsu.

Keigo Takami

"... I will after you check your tone!" you glared up at him while stabbing the knife you were using to chop the vegetables into the counter.

"Oh my God..." he blushed at your threatening aura. "Y-yes mam!" he perked up in a perverted manner.

"You nasty bird..." you continued to glare as you picked The knife back up and began chopping the vegetables again.

"Only for you mommy..." he came behind you and whispered in your ear, "maybe later you could teach me some manners? AH! Ok ok ok!" he sweat nervously as he was mere millimeters away from getting his wings sliced off.

"Out!" you pointed to the four with your knife.

"Yes mam..." he sulked and left to go do something else.

Tomura Shigaraki

"..." everyone was dead silent after his outburst.

He shouted it right in front of the league while everyone was planning another mission. You had gotten into a a disagreement with him about the logistics of the plan and things got a bit heated.

All heads were turned to you, waiting for a response.

"...You done lost your damn mind..." you got up to leave, "when you find it then come talk to me right you walking lip crust!" You slammed the door on your way out.

After that, he felt bad about what he said (and a twinge of fear) so he decided to go find you and apologize.

"I didn't mean it ok? I was just mad, I'm sorry..." he grumbled.

"Fine, I'm sorry too..." you sighed and turned to hug him.

He returned it and squeezed you tightly, enjoying your warmth and scent.

" the way don't start any of the cars cause I kinda-"


Too late, a loud explosion was heard in the parking garage.

"Never mind..." you smiled cheekily.

Luckily for you, only one of Twice's clones of Dabi was killed in the incident.

So all's well that ends well!

A/N: lol I'm literally out of space to add more chapters so I'll be posting the last couple of requested scenarios and start a pt. 2 of this story...or just end it🤷‍♀️ I'm still kind of unsure.
See ya later!❤️

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