talk like a top, take it like a bottom (Part 1)

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This is Part 1 of Sweet Addictions :)

For his whole life, Harry was just comfortable with himself regardless of anyone and/or thing telling him he shouldn't. Unlike most, Harry had no problem parading around his house completely naked. He just didn't see any problem with walking around completely "free" as he described it. He would've ventured out of the house like that too if his mother hadn't informed him that that was not socially acceptable. Harry just felt secure in his own skin, and he never saw anything wrong with being naked. It was never embarrassing for Harry to strip down, just natural and comfortable for him.

When Harry got a little older, Harry's "free and comfortable" mentality stayed with him, and it was obvious. Especially in situations like his health class, where Harry's whole class was embarrassed, uncomfortable, and even grossed out when they were discussing sex for the first time. However, Harry wasn't embarrassed, uncomfortable, or grossed out at all by sex. He was simply curious, and intrigued, but since it was not "socially acceptable" to discuss sex freely, he took it upon himself to investigate privately.
Harry started to "investigate" sex at a younger age than average because he discovered his sexuality earlier than "normal". Since his house talked very openly about sexuality, Harry was only twelve and a half when he accepted that he wasn't attracted to girls like the other guys in his grade were. Harry thought it was more fun to look at the cute older guys playing football than to try to look up the blonde girls skirt was on the playground.

Since Harry was taught from such a young age that all sexualities were okay, "coming out" was a breeze. One day, he had come home and told his family all about the cute guy on the playground that he was interested in. His family told Harry they loved him and then teased Harry a bit for his liking for older guys, but that was it. Harry didn't even realize that coming out or being a different sexuality other than straight was a big deal until later in his life. So yeah, maybe Harry was different from the typical thirteen year old year old. But he was extremely happy and comfortable with himself, and luckily everybody accepted that too.

People could argue that Harry's early exposure to sex and how comfortable he was with the subject was the reason for it, and that could very well be true. But either way, he liked sex, a lot. From the moment he was told what it was he liked it and interested him.

So he explored, like any thirteen year old would. He watched a lot of porn, and soon found himself wanting the real thing because locking himself in his bedroom so he could finger himself wasn't enough anymore. So, a year later Harry approached one of the hot older football players, asked to suck him off and that was that.

From then, Harry was very, enthusiastic to learn more and get more experience. And he did, Harry fooled around with lots of different guys for almost a year but never actually had sex yet. Nevertheless, he learned a lot, and his constant growing sexual background made his confidence rise. Harry knew what guys did and didn't like, which was very helpful. He learned the art of seduction, which angles to play at to really push people's buttons. Most of all, Harry knew that no matter how young he was, he was still desirable and because of that knowledge, he slowly became a tease.

This teasing was very prominent in, but not just limited to a school setting. Harry found himself flirting with every openly gay male he could, and being not so subtle in front of basically everybody. He quickly got a reputation, but he simply ignored it. Every warning from a teacher or nasty insult from a jealous class mate didn't faze him; it encouraged him even more since he knew he was getting a reaction out of them, something he wanted. He wanted them to acknowledge his sluttiness and that's exactly what they were doing.
When Harry turned fifteen, he got a boyfriend named Ben who was two years older than him. Ben not only was his first time having actual sex, but he was the person who helped Harry discover all of his kinks. Ben himself was very kinky, so he was happy to have a boyfriend who liked the same things he did in bed. Harry recognized his kinks almost immediately after they started having sex, and once he did Harry was able to understand himself a lot better.

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