you made daddy mad, now pay for it

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have y'all seen the tiktok about this one, i laughed so hard anyways last one for tonight beauties enjoy!


Louis had made some reservations to a nice restaurant for their date tonight and was really looking forward to it. The date was 28th September. This was a special date to Louis because of his obsession with the number 28. And Harry knew this. But at 6 o'clock Harry texted Louis.

H: Hey, babe, can't tonight, I'm busy with some party. Hope you understand.

This was unusual for Harry as he never missed the date. This was their special number. How could Harry do this, Louis thought. He was heartbroken. Which motherfucking party was more important than the date they had planned on a special date? And Harry didn't even show the courtesy to explain why was he stuck, which angered Louis more. Louis was mad, oh he was mad. He knew what was to be done when Harry came home.

Louis had seen some BDSM tricks that he had saved for Harry tonight. He was excited to use them on him. But now? He was angered to use them. He was going to make Harry regret his whole life for not attending the date. Harry had apparently switched off his phone after the last text. So, Louis couldn't contact him.

~~ Harry's POV

"Do you think it will work?" Harry asked Zayn.

"Yeah, mate it would. You are a sucker for him, aren't you?" Zayn asked, taking a huge smoke off a pink bong in his hands.

"Yeah, of course, but this date is special and I don't want to hurt him emotionally," Harry said, taking the bong from his Asian friend and bandmate.

"Look, mate. I've heard, that sex-fueled with anger is pretty hot and as I know from walking into your little dirty sesh that day, I know you're into some weird pain kinks."

"Hey, watch your language!" Harry exclaimed. It was Zayn's fault for not knocking into the bedroom before barging in, asking for some change to buy some candy floss.

"What? Did I lie? Mate, admit it, be proud of who you are!" Zayn said, "Look, go after 9 o'clock and act a little different and distant from him, I'm sure you will get what you are oh so wishing for, some rough sex."

"I never should've told you about us," Harry said.

"But you nevertheless did, so there's nothing you can do about it, love."

"Okay, Zayn, pass the fucking bong and let's hope what you are saying is true," Harry said, his curls covering up his forehead with a bandana.


Harry knocked on the door to their house. Louis's anger was now multiplied to 10 times. But when he opened the wooden door, he was exceptionally calm. "Hey, Harry. You're home." He said, calmly. harry was confused," Hey, Louis." He said, forgetting to act distant as Louis was not angered at all. Did he do something wrong? Shit, he was horny but Louis was not. What would he do now?

"Did you have your dinner?" Louis asked standing in front of him, folding his hands.

"Um, yeah, I ate some already," Harry said.

"Well, okay, then. Let's go to bed, I don't think we want to do anything else." Louis said walking up to the door.

"Louis?" Harry asked in a small voice.

"What?" Louis asked, with a hint of faux annoyance in his voice.

"Aren't you mad? I forgot about our date and I blew you off, totally. Why are you so exceptionally calm?" Harry enquired. He was fed up. He had developed a fantasy where as soon as he walked up to the door, Louis would've pushed him and fucked him, right there and then.

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