don't look at him that way

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hey besties i'm back with even more top louis i'm sorry i can't help myself  forgive me, enjoy!


"Zayn, ohmygod." Louis gasped as the boy walked into the room, his heels clicking against the floor and his hands thrown up in the air. "How do I look?" He spun around, nearly tripping underneath the heels when he crossed his legs.

"Hmmm... You look... Pretty." Harry said, unsure of how to reply to his band mate's question. Zayn's sparkly, glossy lips parted as he uttered out a booming laugh, gripping onto Harry's shoulder for support.

"Nice boobs, man." Harry chuckled, gripping one into his hand and squeezing. "You know I can't feel it, right?" Harry tried to hold back his smile, stepping back from Zayn.

"Zayn, why the hell did you agree to this, you look ridiculous." Louis complained, hands on his hips. "I thought it'd be fun, Lou. And different." Louis smiled a little at Zayn. He was completely willing to dress up as a woman for the video, and Louis had to admit, it was pretty damn funny.

"Okay, let's try and get this scene done, guys.I KNOW this'll be the one we use in the video!"

Zayn smiled widely, and ran out the door, waiting for his cue to go.

Louis sat between Liam and Niall on the couch, glimpsing at Harry on the other couch to check if he was ready. He knew that it really wasn't his concern, but he always wanted to make sure. Harry nodded at Louis, and looked forward.

They sat for a second until they heard the glasses on the tray clinking together and Zayn came into view, bending over to set down the tray. The producer wanted them to act like they were interested in 'Veronica', so Louis, Liam, and Harry leaned over to look at Zayn's butt sticking in the air.

Out of the corner of Louis' eye, he saw Harry staring for a bit too long, and when Harry saw that Louis was looking, he turned his head away to look at Liam, and try not to upset his boyfriend. Louis looked back at Zayn, and watched as he threw him the most seductive wink he could muster up. Louis raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth slightly, acting as though his heart fluttered at the gesture, just to get back at Harry for staring too long.

Harry frowned and looked forwards again, trying to hide how frustrated he was with Louis.


Louis stood by the camera, his arms crossed and his lips in a pout, watching as Harry tried to convince 'Veronica' to get with him.

Zayn pushed him away slightly, looking annoyed with the boy, waving his hand as if he was brushing off his offer.

Louis was already pissed at Harry for hanging with Zayn the entire time, making grabbing motions at his fake boobs and giving him a few smacks on the bum. Zayn knew he was only playing around, but Louis thought otherwise.

It was quite obvious that Harry had the hots for the dark-skinned boy. He'd always stare at him a bit too long on stage, and he'd even kissed him on the cheek multiple times. He'd told Louis that he only loved him, but it still annoyed him to watch Harry be that way with another man.

Louis bore his eyes into Harry, watching his every single flex and move. After a few takes, they were going to try one more time before taking a break, and Louis nearly choked at what he witnessed.

Harry stepped up to Zayn, dipping his head down as if he was gonna kiss him. When Zayn, again, tried to push away, Harry made a daring move, and pulled him in close. Zayn hooked his arm around the younger lad's neck, letting himself be jerked into his grasp. Harry then leaned down again, and bit his bottom lip, staring at Zayn's glossy ones with hunger.

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