update <3

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hey lovelies! its been years... LOL. to be fair this book is basically at its max number of parts so I won't be updating it anymore but happy to see that y'all are still enjoying the compilation of one-shots. I might find one-shots and short-fics from other fandoms to compile into a new book so that y'all can have that as well. Let me know if you have any fandoms you're interested in, I was thinking maybe any Miraculous one-shots or any Harry Potter/Slytherin boy ones but let me know!

another note I wanted to mention, in this book there was a chapter called Our Love Through the Ages. At the time of uploading the chapter I didn't necessarily realize the apparent issue with the chapter and the way it glorified unhealthy age gaps (pedophilia basically). although I didn't write the chapter I still wanna apologize for spreading it to a wider audience, I have removed the chapter as I didn't want to keep it up with the rest of the one-shots as I didnt feel comfortable, again i do apologize if it made any of y'all uncomfortable that was not the intention, just a space for y'all to read some smut and have a good time :)

All that being said, if y'all have any fic recs or fandoms that y'all want me to compile one-shots from let me know and i'll do some scouring :))


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