bend me over and take me apart - 2/3

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part two of the  "smoke and boas" series


Harry's still shaking when he sits down. He won. He fucking won . He won an actual Grammy . The first of many, Louis had assured him as he kissed him good luck. Almost on cue, Harry's phone buzzes in his trouser pocket. He slips it out subtly, glancing down at the message.

Bathrooms. Commercial break .

Harry swallows hard, excitement and something else curling in the pit of his belly, a tingle rushing up his spine. The buzzer sounds for commercial and Harry's out of his chair in an instant. A hand on his wrist stops him from bolting as Jeff inclines his head toward one of the other celebrities approaching the table.

Of course. Gotta do some hand shaking.

Harry's itching in his own skin, desperate to get to Louis. The parade of nominees seems never ending, none of them at all aware that Harry's currently doing his best to escape to the loo to probably get his brains fucked out.

The mere idea sparks his exhibitionism streak and he shifts his boa a tad as he leans in to hug someone who's name he can't quite recall right now. He's having a difficult time focusing on the conversations, simply nodding and smiling and letting Jeff do most of the talking.

Louis' probably waiting for him in the bathroom now, maybe even getting himself started. Maybe if Harry's lucky, he'll make good on his promise to tie Harry up with the boa. Tie his wrists together with the feathered accessory, bend him over the counter and fuck him until he can't even stand on his own. Harry shudders at the idea, glancing down to make sure his boa hasn't moved out of its place covering his crotch.

He digs his nails into his palms and then unclenches the fist, forcing in a deep breath in an attempt to clear his head. It doesn't work, leading to him thinking about how it feels when Louis is so far down his throat he actually can't breath, fucking into his mouth like it's nothing more than something to use for his own pleasure-

A hand lands on his elbow and Harry jumps, eyes widening as he looks over. Lizzo is standing slightly to his side, hands now holding his arm as she leans in, smiling at Jeff and the others.

"Just gotta borrow Harold here for a hot second," Lizzo assures them. Harry swallows, terrified of being roped into a conversation with her and knowing he won't be able to slip out of that. Usually he likes being roped up in ways he can't escape, but not like this.

"It was nice talking to you," Harry mumbles as he lets Lizzo pull him away, already feeling dizzy with need .

Lizzo, arm looped through his, leans in conspiratorially. "He's in the bathrooms, isn't he?"

Harry looks at her, alarmed, mouth opening and closing silently before he just nods. Lizzo lets go of his arms and pushes him lightly, winking and quickly slapping his ass with a quiet, "Go get some," before turning and walking away. Harry decides not to question it, taking the out and rushing towards the bathrooms.

Mercifully, he makes it there without running into anyone else, bursting into the restroom nearly fully hard and already worked up by his own imagination and Louis' promises to wreck him from earlier. Louis is leaning against a stall door, smoking again.

Harry starts to rush towards him but Louis shakes his head, gesturing towards the door with a raised eyebrow. Harry stumbles to lock the door, already shaking in anticipation. If the look in Louis' eyes was any indication, Harry's certainly in for something special. Harry turns back around, door locked, and meets Louis' expectant gaze, hands clasped behind his back.

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