i want to paint your nails baby

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Louis shook the bottle of red polish, listening to the little metal balls inside it clink around. He twisted the cap off slowly, pulling out the brush and watching the polish drip back into the bottle. He brushed the bristles off on the sides of the tube.

"Okay," He said, placing the bottle on the nightstand and reaching for Harry's hand, "Stay still."

Harry nodded, placing his hand gently in Louis'. This is what they did every Wednesday night when they were together no matter what, even if they had to take it off the next day. Every Wednesday night they would sit together in bed, whether it was at their own home, or in a hotel room they share or on a tour bus and Louis would slowly and carefully paint Harry's nails.

Sometimes they painted them red, sometimes blue or green. One time they tried a weird yellow color that made Harry's nails look infected. But it was nice to have this little tradition, something that was just theirs, something that made them a little family.

Louis painted Harry's pointer first, sliding over the nail easily, practice making him good at it. The first time he had done Harry's nails was when Harry was only seventeen. Louis had caught him in their flat with one of the polish bottles Lottie had accidentally left behind after staying one weekend; he was just shaking it and rolling the bottle across his palms. Louis had asked him if he wanted them painted and that was that, they had been doing it ever since.

"Lou, my nose itches." Harry said, shaking the hand Louis had already finished to help it dry faster.

"I swear to god, I think you wait until I start your second hand to have all these itches," Louis leaned forward and scratched over his boyfriend's nose with one finger, making him giggle.

"Okay goof, chill out so I can finish without painting your whole hand." Harry smiled sweetly at Louis and sat back on his heels.

They had decided that right after their showers was the best time to paint. Harry's newly short hair was still damp, stray droplets of water were sprinkled across his bare shoulders and only a pair of basketball short on his hips. They were quiet as Louis finished Harry's nail, painting over his little pinky in two small strokes. He brought his hand close to his lips and blew over the color gently, smirking when he noticed Harry making himself smaller, as he usually did when he wanted to play but hasn't gotten the courage to ask for it yet.

"Do you need anything, baby?" Louis asked gently, looking up at Harry and massaging his palm gently, staring down at the red polish, using the voice he always reserved for playtime. Tonight was going to be all about Harry.

Harry's eyes snapped up at him at the change in tone and he shrunk down even more. He shook his head slowly, eye's still on Louis', "No, I'm okay." His voice was already slower than it normally was.

"No who?" Louis asked, moving his hand from Harry's palm up his to his forearm, still massaging with his thumbs.

"No, daddy." Harry corrected, his face and chest already flushed pink.

Louis felt himself shift into 'daddy mode' and pushed Harry back on the bed, his head between their pillows, "Now, baby." He said quietly, pulling his arms away from his body and out flat against the mattress, "You have to be good and not move, we don't want your pretty nails to be messed up." He kissed up his chest gently, "Can you do that for daddy?"

Harry nodded, his eyes already losing focus, "Yes, daddy." He said softly.

"That's my good boy." Louis pecked Harry's lips before moving over to kiss over his earlobe like knew Harry liked. He reached his hand down, stroking Harry's half hard cock through his shorts, making the other boy moan loudly. His eyes got wide and he bit his lip, quieting himself down. Louis moved his hand away and sat up slightly, using his other hand to tilt Harry's face to look him in the eye, "You can make as much sound as you want baby." He kissed down his chest, taking his right nipple in his mouth, "You've been so good for me lately, and I want to know hear you," He mumbled around the nub between his lips.

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