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"Harry? Hazza? Where are you, baby?"

It's always funny for Harry to hear Louis' posh London accent ringing through his shitty little flat, probably because he knows that if he turns around he's going to see Louis rounding the corner into the kitchen in a suit that costs as much as four months of Harry's rent. He's always so polished and perfect and smelling like cologne that Harry is 99% sure wouldn't pass the rigorous testing he requires his own products to have gone through, and Louis completely doesn't fit Harry's life at all.

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

"There you are," Louis murmurs, coming up behind him where Harry is standing at the sink washing dishes and placing a hand on each hip, kissing the side of his neck. "I've been missing my baby while I was in Germany."

"Not as much as I missed you," replies Harry as he leans back into Louis' chest. It's probably true, because no one has ever loved anyone as much as Harry loves Louis, and he's pretty positive of that.

"But you haven't missed me enough to turn around and face me so I can kiss you?"

Harry's already trying to turn in Louis' embrace with a wide smile. "Of course I want a kiss. My hands are all wet, let me grab a towel-" His voice cuts off when he realizes that the once-gentle presence of Louis' body behind his is now restraining, his deceptive strength stopping Harry from turning and locking him in place with soapy hands gripping the edge of the counter.

"Nope, too late," Louis says lowly. "Lost your chance. If you had missed me while I was away you would have turned right around when your daddy entered the room."

"I have missed you. I've been counting down til you got back," insists Harry. He feels a little trembly all of a sudden, and it probably has a whole lot to do with the fact that Louis just talked to him in the voice.

"Is that what you've been doing?" questions Louis with a laugh. He releases Harry's hips -he's a good boy, he knows better than to move when he's been put where Louis wants him- and runs his hands from those broad shoulders down to that narrow waist, fingers teasing at the hem of his soft cotton thrift store tee shirt. "I've been using my time a little differently. Been thinking a lot about things that belong to me. Like boys from Cheshire."

One hand goes up the front of Harry's shirt and twists his nipple until he gasps. It's not the pain of it, exactly, that goes straight to his cock. It's the Louis of it all. He stays quiet -hasn't been given permission to speak- and waits as Louis runs his hands down Harry's sides, fingernails leaving tickling trails of sensation down to where his hipbones stick out of his jeans.

Louis keeps talking right over Harry's excited internal dialogue. "I've been thinking about a certain Cheshire boy, actually. Been thinking about all different parts of him. How pretty his mouth is with a cock in it. How good his back looks when it's covered in my cum. And of course his cute little bum, and how good and tight it feels when I fuck into it so hard that he comes untouched like a damn teenager." There's no warning before Louis' reaching down and squeezing Harry's bum in his left hand like an explorer marking his territory.

Harry exhales a little unsteadily, and Louis laughs at him. "If you've been counting down, then tell me- how long have I been gone?"

"Fourteen days, three hours, sir," Harry answers immediately -and breathlessly.

"Impressive. And how long since you've had Daddy's cock?"

"Fourteen days, six hours. Sir."

"Mmm, my poor baby," Louis murmurs into Harry's neck. "You must be devastated. I know how much you need my cock. How hard you get, and how much you need to be taken care of." He lets his right hand slide slowly around Harry's hip until he's palming at the now-apparent bulge in those ridiculously tight jeans. Harry bucks up into his hand and for once Louis lets him. He keeps firm pressure and lets Harry grind, lets him seek that friction his cock needs so badly.

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