i can feel your blood pressure rise

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hey besties i'm back with a few more, i might have to make a second book in case I find more one-shots because i'm nearing 200 chapters, so let me know if y'all would want that. and i was thinking maybe i'd try my own hand at writing some again but we'll see. Enjoy!!


"Hello, your Highness," Harry heard a familiar voice coming from behind him. Chills ran down his body as he felt the coldness of something sharp poke the back of his neck, "Turn around slowly or I'll hurt you," the voice said in a teasing tone.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly and turned around slowly. "Stop trying, baby, the last thing you are is scary." The short boy standing before him put the knife down and pouted slightly, furrowing his eyebrows into the most adorable grimace.

"Of course I'm scary." Louis frowned, looking up at Harry through his long eyelashes as he put the knife he had in the sheath secure around his left thigh.

"In your dreams, love," Harry laughed and grabbed the boy's hips, bringing him close.

The shorter boy narrowed his eyes at him, but soon relaxed in Harry's arms.

"I see you're wearing the clothes I gave you." Harry studying Louis, taking in the black, skin-tight, and high-waisted leather pants that hugged his curvy frame deliciously. Above that, a well fitted dark green sweater with puffy sleeves fit snugly, making his shoulders look adorably small. "Leather looks good on you." he hummed. Harry ran his hands along the soft fabric that covered Louis' bum, feeling the round cheeks.

"Everything looks good on me." Louis bit back a smile as he circled his arms around Harry's neck, but not without playfully slapping him on the back of his head.

"Shut your smart mouth," Harry teased, squeezing his ass tightly and making the boy jump. "Thought you were only going to wear it for work ." Harry pondered, holding Louis' hips and guiding him to sway from side to side, as if they were dancing slowly to a song that was only in their minds.

"Everyday is work day, your Highness." Louis punctuated each of his words with a tap of his fingers on the nape of Harry's neck.

The unlikely couple had met a couple of years ago during one of Louis' raids. After seeing the injustice in his county, Louis had become infamous for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor in his village. After easily breaking into the houses of Lords, the trickster clad in leather tried to break into the king's own castle.

Although he was able to get through the castle's defences, Louis hadn't been prepared to see the half-naked king after taking a wrong turn. To his surprise, King Harry had let him go free with just a stinging slap on his ass. The little thief was unable to stay away for long, until it became a nightly ritual to be fondled by the amused king before getting sent home. It didn't take long for their meetings to end with mutual orgasms every night. It didn't take long for Louis to fall for the king and to become his plaything at night, while tricking his Lords in the sunlight.

"So you just came here for business, then?" Harry asked in a whisper, pulling Louis even closer until Harry could feel Louis' hot breath against his face.

"Mhm, business only." Louis whispered as he nodded, but his eyes were glued to Harry's lips, almost in a trance. Harry smirked when Louis bit his lip, unable to take his eyes off the king's mouth.

"Then we better get to it quickly, huh?" Harry dipped his head to brush his lips over Louis', pushing him forward. Louis got on his tiptoes to completely press his lips on Harry's, but before he could complete the task, Harry pushed him again until his hips hit the wooden table behind him.

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